A printed copy of Mahomet (1743) with autograph corrections in the hand of Voltaire.
Detailed Summary:
The pages are taken from Act 1, Act 2, and Act 3. Paper has been stuck over the top of f.93v, 96r, and 101v-102r, and at the bottom of f.81r with wax, providing substantial corrections to the text.
Voltaire has made a series of corrections throughout. Some words and phrases have been crossed out, and additional text has been added superscript or in the margins. A note on a separate piece of paper has been added to the bottom of f.81r that provides an additional six lines of text. Similarly, a corrected page in Voltaire’s hand has been stuck with wax over f.93v, f.101v, and f.102r, and f.96r has been filled with additional text written in Voltaire’s hand. The first four lines of f.96v have been crossed out. The entirety of f.102v has been crossed out. Brackets and crosses have been added in pencil in the margins throughout. F.74r is stamped with the library stamp of Louis-Nicolas-Jean-Joachim de Cayrol, and f.102r has been stamped with the library stamp of the Bibliothèque Impériale.