Contemporary copy of a letter from Princess Louisa Ulrika of Prussia to Voltaire, written from Berlin and dated 11 October 1743.
Detailed Summary:
Louisa Ulrica writes that she is informing Voltaire of the strangest adventure of her life. She notes that whilst withdrawn in her solitude in the time that Morpheus sows his poppies, she had a soft and quiet sleep, and had a ‘charming’ dream. In the dream, Apollo, followed by the nine Sisters came into view and Apollo told Louisa Ulrica that he had heard that she had received verses from his favourite and that a puny prose was all that she could answer. Such a response was offensive, and Apollo has come to offer forgiveness from the Gods by writing better verse. She then writes out the verse which praises Voltaire and the positive effect he had on Berlin during his visit.
The paper is watermarked with a shield, the lower half of which is missing due to the paper being cut.
Additional Comments:
The page features a horizontal fold line. There is also a slight diagonal fold line in the top left-hand corner of f.1r where the letter edge has been folded over. The letter is heavily stained on both the recto and verso sides. The top of the leaf, and the left-hand margin of f.1r are discoloured. There is a hole in the top centre of the page, and another over l.17 on f.1r. There are two further holes in the top left-hand corner of f.1r seemingly caused by a pin. There are dots of ink across the top of f.1r.
Materiality Keywords:
There is a minor correction to the first word of l.9 on f.1v.