Autograph letter from Voltaire to Jean Ignace de la Ville, titular bishop of Tricomie, written on the road to Utrecht and dated 23 August [1743] [D2820a]
Autograph letter from Voltaire to Jean Ignace de la Ville, titular bishop of Tricomie, written on the road to Utrecht and dated 23 August [1743] [D2820a]
je ne peux mieux employer monsieur quelques moments de cette nuit qu’en vous assurant que je me souviendray tous les jours de ma vie de vos bons offices.
Autograph letter from Voltaire to Jean Ignace de la Ville, titular bishop of Tricomie, written on the road to Utrecht and dated 23 August [1743].
Detailed Summary:
Voltaire writes that he will remember the good offices of l’abbé de Laville for all the days of his life. He notes that the gazettes did not seem to have the effect that he had feared and that he was given a flattering letter from Mr. Trevor. He concludes by sending his regards to Madame de Fenelon and writes that he hopes to have the honour of seeing l’abbé de Laville again soon.
The paper is countermarked with the initials ‘IV’.
Additional Comments:
The letter has been torn in two horizontally and joined back together with four pieces of tape on f.1v. The leaves feature an additional horizontal fold line. There are remnants of red wax on the upper half of f.2v and a number ‘3’ has been drawn in red over the address of the recipient. There are a number of small holes along the additional horizontal fold line on f.2, and in the left-hand margin of f.2r. There are two small holes in the bottom left-hand margin of both folios, perhaps caused by a pin.
Materiality Keywords:
A second hand has added the phrase: ‘Lettre de Voltaire à l’abbé de Laville (autographé authentique)’ to the upper left-hand corner of f.1r.
Marginalia Keywords:
Origin (transcript):
OCV Reference:
130, ‘D2820a. Voltaire to Jean Ignace de La Ville’, p.94-95