j’ignore encor mon fieur si les protecteurs de labbé Desfontaines prevaudrone contre lhorreur que tout paris a pour luy, et si Mr le chancelier luy otera son privilege.
Voltaire writes that he does not know if the protectors of l’abbé Desfontaines will prevail against the horror that Paris has for him, or if the Chancellor will take away his privilege. He notes that he did as the recipient advised and has sent him a copy of a letter from Madame de Berniere. Voltaire states that he knows that the recipient often sees people who have the misfortune of dining with Desfontaines and asks that he shows them the letter, warning, however, that it should not be printed. He adds that he does not know of any better response to the horrors that this monster [Desfontaines] vomits and that he is sure that the recipient will make prudent use of the letter to inspire so much aversion for him that they will soon be delivered from a competitor whose satirical leaves are so incompatible with their ‘sage journal’.
The paper is partially watermarked with a shield bearing a horn, topped with a crown. The lower portion of the shield is missing due to the paper being cut.
Additional Comments:
The page features a horizontal and vertical fold line. There is damage to the top right-hand corner of the leaf. There is a small ink stain in the bottom left-hand corner of f.1v, and a number of dots of ink across the entirety of the same.