Autograph letter signed from Voltaire to François Joachim de Pierres, cardinal de Bernis, written from Ferney and dated 7 October 1761.
Detailed Summary:
Voltaire writes that the cardinal owes his fortune to letters. He notes that the cardinal’s reflection of the dedication to the academy is very fair, but asks the cardinal to consider that the academy, rather than wanting Voltaire to soften the picture of injustices suffered by Peter, would instead want him to charge it. Voltaire asks if he might send the cardinal his comments on the pain parts but worries about how the cardinal would send these comments back to him as they are considerable and lengthy to transcribe. A photographic or contact reproduction of the MS is available in the Besterman Collection, Geneva.
The pages feature additional horizontal and vertical fold lines. There are dots of ink across the top of f.1r and 2v, and some text on l.9 of f.2v is smudged.
Materiality Keywords:
The phrase ‘in fiochi’ has been underlined on f.1v.