A fictional letter by Voltaire describing a scandal he has become involved with.
Detailed Summary:
In this letter, Voltaire claims that he has become involved inone of the most ridiculous scandals of the century in the Mémoire de Desfontaines written by Pierre François Guyot Desfontaines. Voltaire mocks Desfontaines’s attempts to portray himself as a modest, quality, and moral man and further critiques Desfontaines’s claim to have friends. Voltaire hides behind the pseudonym ‘Malicourt’ in this letter so that he can insult Desfontaines with greater vehemence.
The paper is watermarked with a crown. The rest of the watermark is missing as the paper has been cut in half but appears to be identical to that of Voltaire Foundation MS 26.
Additional Comments:
The ink in the middle of f.1 on both the recto and verso side is smudged, perhaps due to water damage.
Materiality Keywords:
The original pagination has been crossed out on p.1 and changed from ‘51’ to ‘167’. This emendation has been made in green in a different contemporary hand. The dates ‘fevrier 1739’ and ‘1736’ have been added to the margins of p.1-2. The former has been amended and originally read ‘fevrier 1736’ so it is possible that the latter was also meant to be corrected. Sections of the text have been underlined.
Marginalia Keywords:
Origin (transcript):
Bought at auction by Theodore Besterman (1904-1976) at Sotheby’s, London on 11th June 1968.