Las cosas menos estimables suelen âdqui xix credito por la Recomendacion don Dictamen tan Soberano, queno hauzà quiem se âtreva â contradeux sinla nota de grosero.
There is some staining to f.15 that has also transferred to f.14 and f.16, and similar staining on f.31 that has transferred to f.30v and f.32r. There is also a small stain at the bottom of f.20v and smudges in the left-hand margin of f.24v and the right-hand margin of f.44r.
Materiality Keywords:
A small flower has been drawn at the end of Act 1 on f.18v. There is another flower at the end of Act 2 on f.36v. A larger flower has been drawn at the end of Act Three on f.56r. There is another smaller flower at the end of Act Four on f.71r, and another at the end of Act 5 on f.88v.