Voltaire possesses 38 tomes from this set (missing tomes 8 and 31). BV supplies a list of contents. A second copy of tomes 1-30 and 33-40 is found at shelfmark 10-16. A third copy of tomes 7-8, 14-20, 23-24, 26-27, 29, 34 and 36 is at shelfmarks 11-11, 11-10, 11-16, 11-244, 11-8 and 11-19. A fourth copy of tomes 2, 5-6 and 9-10 is at shelfmark 11-11. A fifth copy of tomes 3-5 and 9 is at shelfmark 11-12. A sixth copy of tomes 25-30 is at shelfmark 11-7. A seventh copy of tome 40 is at shelfmark 11-22.