Voltaire states that he asked for nothing more than an explanation and that the recipient was good enough to give him that. He thanks them for doing so.
Voltaire thanks the recipient for acquainting him with a letter that he wrote to Frederick II of Prussia. He states that it has been two years since he wrote to Frederick, and adds that as their relationship caused much comment it is not unreasonable to assume that the letter is from him. Voltaire notes that everyone in Geneva has advised him to repudiate the letter in the public papers. He asks the recipient to allow him to send him a letter on this matter that he sent to the Duke of Grafton. He concludes by musing on the English press, noting that the liberty of the press is extended a little too far.
Voltaire thanks Guazzesi for sending him a book [Guazzesi’s translation of Alzire, published together with Racine’s Iphigenie in 1762], adding that he is too ill to thank him in his own hand, the letter instead being written by his secretary. Voltaire goes on to say that Iphigenie was worthy of being translated by Guazzesi, but that the translator does others [Voltaire] too much honour. He then turns to Guazzesi’s poetry, remarking that his compositions are instructive and agreeable, before speaking of the ancient Romans, noting that they had an unrefined sense of humour. He adds that he can see the mountains that were crossed by Hannibal through his windows.
Voltaire begins by discussing the succession of Catherine the Great, before going on to ask Cramer for ‘une pucelle’ [La Pucelle d’Orléans], noting that he has given out four or five on occasion. He goes on to note that he has not corrected the sheets he saw at Les Délices.
This version of La Crépinade forms part of a highly decorated collection of texts relating to Voltaire and Rousseau
Voltaire discusses the article ‘Mânne’ for the Encyclopédie. He notes that the article seems quite good to him, and that the philosophs and the curious can be happy with it. Voltaire notes, however, that a good apothecary would have said more and demonstrated the superiority of ‘mânne grasse’ over ‘mânne maigre’.
He then goes on to say that he is very happy to be in Lausanne when d’Alemberts theologian is in Geneva. He remarks upon d’Alembert’s saying that he might see the lake again this winter, noting that he should come and bring Diderot with him so that they may play his Les Fils naturel.
Voltaire ends by asking d’Alembert to tell Madame Du Deffand that he is thinking of her even though he does not write, and to pass on his compliments to President Henault.
Fréron seeks to humiliate the critic Jean-Francois de La Harpe who had attacked his recently deceased father, Elie Fréron. He recounts a dinner at the house of Mr. Dorat during which his father was ridiculed, and speaks of his hopes that the recipient can offer a contradictory account. He notes that he has heard from Mr. de La Harpe that they were discussing Voltaire and the unworthy treatment he received from Fréron in the style of his writing. Louis-Marie questions if the recipient ever remembers seeing his father baffled by a philosophy schoolboy, and asks if it was in his father’s character to say: ‘ah, il écrira et Dieu nous verrons’.
Bolaffi asks that the booksellers, Dey and Gravier, be kind enough to give to Mr. Daninos (the deliverer of the letter) the fifty copies of La Henriade that Bolaffi had translated into Italian. He notes that these copies were sent to Dey and Gravier by Mr. Fayolle, another bookseller.
Racine begins by saying that he had received the verse attached to Heerkens’ letter, but that he has not yet received the beginning of the work which Heerkens had told him would be returned to him by one of his friends. He then goes on to discuss the “impertinent” article on Rousseau in Bayle’s supplement. He notes that Heerkens will find in Trévoux’s second brief of the month a letter from him in which he states that such slanders that hatred has dictated deserve only contempt. Racine then discusses a “violent fermentation” in the minds of the public, stating his hope for peace. He concedes, however, that given the King’s last response to the reprimands that this still seems very far away. He then comments on Damiens’ attempt to assassinate Louis XV of France the day before he wrote this letter on 5 January 1757. Racine notes that much is known of Damiens’ family and life story, but little of the plot itself, and quotes the King who remarked that if the blow is struck from abroad it is but a scratch, but if the blow comes from his people it is a deep wound. Racine concludes by discussing the seven octavo volumes that constitute Voltaire’s Histoire universelle, adding that Voltaire’s bold reflections and lively style encourage Racine to read all that he writes. He notes that Voltaire imposes on the ignorant, but will never impose on the savants who will not seek in him the truth of history.
The letter is incomplete as the beginning is missing. Voltaire writes that, while waiting for the Berlin package, there is a little joke with which d’Arnaud can feast on with Frederick II of Prussia; he ran very unfaithful copies. Voltaire asks for d’Arnaud’s opinion on this matter and adds that he should learn news from Catilina, a tragedy Voltaire would publish in 1752. He concludes by saying that he still has no news of the English packet, and adds that he awaits with impatience Frederick II of Prussia. In a postscript, Voltaire states that he will be in Cirey for the entirety of January and would be glad if d’Arnaud could write to him.