





The current location of this manuscript is unknown. It was first published by Gaston de Villeneuve-Guibert in Le Portefeuille de madame Dupin (Paris, 1884), p.309-314. Villeneuve-Guibert claimed that the text he published was based on an eight-page autograph manuscript that he had in his possession. The manuscript passed at auction in 1951 and has not re-emerged.

Repository: Present Whereabouts Unknown
Date: c.1734
CMV: cmv37093

This copy differs significantly from the published version and could have been produced for a musician.

Repository: Present Whereabouts Unknown
Date: 1744
CMV: cmv36572
Repository: Present Whereabouts Unknown
Date: c.1764
CMV: cmv36537

This is the first known draft of the majority of the first part of Doutes nouveaux. The present whereabouts of the MS is unknown, but Theodore Besterman owned a photocopy of it.

Repository: Present Whereabouts Unknown
Date: c.1750
CMV: cmv36522

Points 5 and 6 of the argument are preserved, suggesting that there would have been at least two preceding pages. As the text does not finish at the end of the page, it appears that it represents a completed state.

Repository: Present Whereabouts Unknown
Date: c.1760
CMV: cmv36387

This MS is possibly part of another draft of CMV33706 as it seems to bear some resemblance to this MS. Written at the top of the MS is ‘Collection of Theodore Besterman London’.

Repository: Present Whereabouts Unknown
Date: c.1755
CMV: cmv36384