




ISO 3166-2:UM



Repository: Harry Ransom Centre
Date: c.18th
CMV: cmv32872
Repository: Harry Ransom Centre
Date: c.18th
CMV: cmv32873

For more on the copy of the book, see PQ 2080 H4 1730.

Repository: Harry Ransom Centre
Date: c.1730
CMV: cmv32914

The manuscript is of verses in French and English. For details of the book, see PQ 2077 B7 1731d.

Repository: Harry Ransom Centre
Date: c.1731
CMV: cmv32917
Repository: Harry Ransom Centre
Date: c.1756
CMV: cmv32985

The copy features numerous annotations in the hand of Jean-Henri Maubert de Gouvest.

Repository: Harry Ransom Centre
Date: 1756
CMV: cmv32988

This copy consists of 24 cantos and appears to be based on the 1758 edition printed in London.

Repository: Harry Ransom Centre
Date: 1758
CMV: cmv32995

Bonaparte has practiced his Italian translation skills by translating letters by the King of Prussia and Voltaire into Italian.

Repository: Harry Ransom Centre
Date: c.1831
CMV: cmv33152

Voltaire writes of a concerning matter that require expeditious justice. He notes that 2,000 defamatory libels against ministers, the Marquise du Châtelet, and other respectable persons have been printed under the title of his alleged works. Voltaire adds that if he was not sick, he would have spoken to Mr de Marville already as he is in a position to tell him the names of the booksellers, the number of associate, the number of copies they have left, and their store. He asks Maurepas to take action, and ends with his best wishes for the new year.

Repository: Harry Ransom Centre
Date: 17 December 1742
CMV: cmv33315