1 Place Colette, 75001 Paris, France
L’enfant prodigue opened at the Comédie française on 10 October 1736. Lekain took on the role of Euphémon on 24 September 1750 and performed it three times between 1752 and 1756.
Lekain produced his copy of the role of Zamore when the play began at the Comédie-Française in 1750. Lekain performed the role 51 times between 1751 and 1775. The manuscript offers variants for Act II, l.3, 12, 17, 30, 66, 97, 111, 154, 168, 176, 194, 206, 226, 266, 274, 287, 288; Act III, l.84-85, 114, 247-250; Act IV, l.168-169; Act V, l.75, 162, 171, 202-204, and 256.
This MS copy follows the text of the print edition exactly. It is a clean copy without corrections.
Several people, including Marie-Louis Denis [née Mignot] have corrected the MS, suggesting that it was a much-used prompt copy. There are errors in pagination throughout.
It is likely that this was a prompt copy used at the Comédie-Française. The play was first performance at the Comédie-Française at the ‘Jeu de Paume de l’Etoile’ on Monday 18 January 1734.
The second leaf of this copy is in a different hand to the rest of the MS, suggesting that it may have been taken from another MS copy. The list of ‘Acteurs’ has been annotated by Lekain with the names of the actors who took part in the later 1765 production of the play. There are also several variants throughout the MS that demonstrate the play’s development between 1734 and 1765, with their place within the text being clearly marked. It is likely that the copy was used by the Comédie-Française and its actors, including Lekain.
Lekain has copied out the part of Vendôme and includes cues from the speeches of other actors. The text closely resembles the 1765 edition that Lekain himself played a key role in and it is likely that the manuscript copy was made from an edition produced under Voltaire’s control, such as the Nouveaux mélanges or the aforementioned edition.
This MS is a prompt-copy of the play, likely written in the hand of Jean Baptiste Minet, the escrivain of the company. It is likely that Minet made his copy from one produced by Voltaire. It is arranged as follows:
The MS copy forms part of a bound volume titled Rôles joués par Lekain et copiés de sa main 1750-1753.
The copy features in a volume of copies of roles played by Lekain between 1754 and 1759. Lekain copied out the part of Hérode and left a large left-hand margin in which he wrote notes. These notes were his personal guidance on questions of diction and interpretation.
Likely in preparation for the 1763 performances, another, later hand introduced the changes made to the role of Hérode to reflect the Sohème version of the play in darker ink. These changes saw rejected lines crossed out and the new versions written in above or below the line. Larger corrections were written on slips of paper pasted over the original text.