Marginalia: Provenance Note

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This is a copy of the letter mentioned in D8832. It was sent to Ivan Ivanovich Shuvalov.

Repository: Voltaire Foundation
Date: 1 April 1760
CMV: cmv37296

Voltaire states that he asked for nothing more than an explanation and that the recipient was good enough to give him that. He thanks them for doing so.

Repository: Private Collection
Date: August 1764
CMV: cmv37256

This copy is lacking the commentaries on the plays, ending at l.346. It includes variants not found in other manuscript copies or the 1739 editions of the text at ll.73-75, 98, 115-116, 166-167, 170-172, 210-211, 243-245, 251-257, 278-279, 287, 307-308, and 312-319.

Repository: Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal, Paris, France
Date: c.1734-1737
CMV: cmv36660

The MS forms part of a collection of Voltaire texts prepared by Cideville under the instructions of Voltaire. A note in Cideville’s hand states that: ‘Ce recueil charmant m’a été envoyé par l’autheur au commenement de mars 1735’.

Repository: Bibliothèque municipale de Rouen, France
Date: 1735
CMV: cmv36659

This MS copy of Samson is the first item in a recueil, entitled ‘Supplément aux œuvres de théâtre de M. de Voltaire’ that also contains manuscript copies of Eriphile and Adélaïde Du Guesclin. This is presumably the recueil that Voltaire sent to the marquis d’Argenson around June 1739.

Repository: Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal, Paris, France
Date: c.1739
CMV: cmv36567

The MS consists of five folios: the first four are in a secretarial hand (possibly that of Longchamp), and the final folio is in Voltaire’s hand. It is corrected throughout but does not correspond exactly with the printed edition of the work.

Repository: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris, France
Date: c.1750
CMV: cmv36523

This is the first known draft of the majority of the first part of Doutes nouveaux. The present whereabouts of the MS is unknown, but Theodore Besterman owned a photocopy of it.

Repository: Present Whereabouts Unknown
Date: c.1750
CMV: cmv36522