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The copy is found in a recueil of diverse theatre parts taken from a number of plays. The plays all seem to have been performed at the Château de Berny, home of the comte de Clermont.

Repository: Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal, Paris, France
Date: c.18th
CMV: cmv36642

The fragments are bound with pieces relating to Voltaire and his time. An unknown hand has endorsed the MS as ‘fragmens d’une Preface de Baculard D’arnaud, destinée a l’edition de Dresde Rouen des œuvr. de Voltaire. / jls sont de s la main de D’Arnaud et les corrections sont de celle de Voltaire’. The leaves have been bound together in the wrong order: the text begins on p.3 (f.195r), continues to p.8 (f.197v), continues on f.194v, and concludes on f.194r. The pagination appears to be in Voltaire’s hand.

Repository: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris, France
Date: c.1750
CMV: cmv36394
Repository: Voltaire Foundation
Date: [c.10 November 1768]
CMV: cmv36323