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This translation differs from another made by José Anastácio da Cunha around the same time, suggesting that Oliveira translated the text himself for this MS copy. This MS forms the 18th of a 34 volume set of copies of plays produced by Oliveira.
The current location of this manuscript is unknown. It was first published by Gaston de Villeneuve-Guibert in Le Portefeuille de madame Dupin (Paris, 1884), p.309-314. Villeneuve-Guibert claimed that the text he published was based on an eight-page autograph manuscript that he had in his possession. The manuscript passed at auction in 1951 and has not re-emerged.
Lekain produced his copy of the role of Zamore when the play began at the Comédie-Française in 1750. Lekain performed the role 51 times between 1751 and 1775. The manuscript offers variants for Act II, l.3, 12, 17, 30, 66, 97, 111, 154, 168, 176, 194, 206, 226, 266, 274, 287, 288; Act III, l.84-85, 114, 247-250; Act IV, l.168-169; Act V, l.75, 162, 171, 202-204, and 256.
The manuscript offers variants of Act IV, l.166a-182 and Act V, l.53-68. It is the only known original manuscript of Alzire to have survived. The variant for Act V is written in the left-hand margin of f.1r in Voltaire’s hand.
The fragment is inscribed ‘Au Roi de Prusse… 174…’ and is numbered ’13’. It represents a truncated version of the text, with the fragment beginning at l.243 of Act IV. This copy also contains several variants:
On the verso side of the fragment, Voltaire has drafted a letter to Frederick II of Prussia dating to 10 July 1740 [D2265 / CMV35110].
This MS copy follows the text of the print edition exactly. It is a clean copy without corrections.
Several people, including Marie-Louis Denis [née Mignot] have corrected the MS, suggesting that it was a much-used prompt copy. There are errors in pagination throughout.
This is a significantly flawed copy that features numerous errors and ends at III.247.
A second hand has added a list of characters to the MS.