Genre: Note

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The note, in Voltaire’s hand, is corrected throughout. The anecdote relates to Chapter 18 of the Siècle de Louis XIV (see OCV, vol.13B, p.105-107 and notes).

Repository: Institut et musée Voltaire, Geneva
Date: c.1751
CMV: cmv36555
Repository: National Library of Russia, Voltaire Library
Date: 1730
CMV: cmv37247

Voltaire writes that he is sick and that he will immediately obey the orders of Madame Gallatin, adding that he will bring down justice. He concludes by noting that Betens is a fool.

Repository: The Morgan Library & Museum, New York, US
CMV: cmv34091
Repository: National Library of Russia
CMV: cmv33966
Repository: National Library of Russia
CMV: cmv33957

La Beaumelle notes that it was l’abbé Le Maire who collected and presented him with these conversations.

Repository: Voltaire Foundation
Date: pre-April 1753
CMV: cmv33749

A note introducing the text that follows in MS 54 (J). The note states that what follows in a letter in response to Voltaire’s ‘Mémoire’ in which Voltaire boasts of having rendered essential services to La Baumelle.

Repository: Voltaire Foundation
Date: pre-April 1753
CMV: cmv33756
Repository: The Bodleian Library
Date: c.18th
CMV: cmv32883