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The titular phrase ‘Proscription du comte d’Orange’ is written in Voltaire’s hand.
The text and marginal notes (found on p.3, 4, and 6) are neither in Voltaire’s hand not Wagnière’s. The MS is undated and is not signed. It is missing the ‘Résumé’.
The manuscript title carries the following remark ‘N. B. Les Druses ne disent jamais de mal du diable. Ils disent qu’il est assez malheureux. Parmi les Turcs, les fous sont réputés saints.’ Additionally, both the title and the incipit are written in Voltaire’s hand.
The MS features additions and correction in the hand of Jacques-Joseph-Marie Decroix who was preparing the work for publication.
After Voltaire’s death, Longchamp recalls the time he spent in the writer’s service, which coincided with the Cirey period, including trips to Fontainebleau, Sceaux and Lunéville. The document was edited by Decroix for publication.