Genre: Index

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The index was produced by Louis-Nicolas-Jean-Joachim de Cayrol in 1829.

Repository: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris, France
Date: 1829
CMV: cmv36202

The works noted largely pertain to Voltaire’s Siècle de Louis XIV and Siècle de Louis XV.

Repository: McGill University
CMV: cmv35575

At the end of the index are added: 1. Epigrams on Admiral Keppel, from the newspapers, 1779, 1780, p. 455. 2. List of streets, hotels, religious houses &c. in Cambridge, with references to the History of Corpus Christi College, p. 457. 3. Copies of two Lottery Tickets for 1776 and 1777. p. 460. 4. Arms in the Rectorial House at Landbeche, 1780. ibidem [p. 460]. 5. Copies of two Lottery Tickets for 1778. p. 461. 6. Receipt for curing the bloody flux among cattle, ibidem [p. 461]. 8. Note from Voltaire, relative to the Duke of Marlboroughs fortune. ibidem [p. 461].

Repository: The British Library
Date: 1735-1782
CMV: cmv32924

Mr. Cole has also used it as a common place book for the insertion of miscellaneous articles…
Miscellaneous Memoranda are interspersed relative to.
‘Freeholders in Milton, 1780’ (page i)
‘Universities’ (folio 28b)
‘University Library’ (folio 29)
‘Vineyards in England’ (folio 34)
Voltaire (folios 43b, 44, 44b, 52b-53b)
‘Vowesses’ (folio 48b)
‘Vice Chancellor’ (folio 49)
‘Servants Vails’ (folio 50b)
Epitaph in Ely Cathedral on Ursula Upcher’ (folio 52)
‘Villains’ (folio 54)
William Vertue, Architect (folio 55)
‘Viscounts’ (folio 56b)
Account of John Xeres, extracted from Davies’ ‘Athenæ Britannicæ’ (page 31)
‘Yew Trees in Church Yards’ (folio 4b)
‘Yard Land’ (folio 14b).

Repository: The British Library
Date: c.1780
CMV: cmv33094
Repository: Pembrokeshire Archives
Date: Undated
CMV: cmv33679