Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Recueil factice de trente lettres autographes adressées à Voltaire

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Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Recueil factice de trente lettres autographes adressées à Voltaire

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  1. Autograph letter signed from Jean Sylvain Bailly to Voltaire, written from Paris and dated 29 January 1776 [D19890]
  2. Autograph letter signed from Jean Sylvain Bailly to Voltaire, written from Paris and dated 22 February 1777 [D20576]
  3. Autograph letter signed from Louise Elisabeth de Bourbon-Condé, princesse de Conti to Voltaire, written from Aux Délices and dated 23 October [1758] [D7917]
  4. Autograph letter signed from Jeanne Antoinette Le Normant d’Etioles, marquise de Pompadour [née Poisson] to Voltaire, written from Paris and dating to c.5 September 1749 [D4012]
  5. Autograph letter signed from Louisa Ulrica, queen of Sweden to Voltaire, written from Berlin and dated 11 October 1743 [D2863]
  6. Autograph letter signed from Sophia Friderika Wilhelmina von Preussen, margravine of Bayreuth to Voltaire, dated [25 December 1750] [D4291]
  7. Autograph letter signed from Sophia Friderika Wilhelmina von Preussen, margravine of Bayreuth to Voltaire, dated 18 February 1751 [D4387]
  8. Autograph letter signed from Sophia Friderika Wilhelmina von Preussen, margravine of Bayreuth to Voltaire, dated 19 August [1757] [D7350]
  9. Autograph letter signed from Count Ivan Ivanovich Shuvalov to Voltaire, written from St Petersburg and dated 12/23 December 1757 [D7531]
  10. Autograph letter signed from Count Ivan Ivanovich Shuvalov to Voltaire, written from St Petersburg and dated 3 March 1758 [D7682]
  11. Autograph letter signed from Count Ivan Ivanovich Shuvalov to Voltaire, written from St Petersburg and dated 3/14 October 1758 [D7903]
  12. Autograph letter signed from Count Ivan Ivanovich Shuvalov to Voltaire, written from Peterhof Palace, St Petersburg and dated 16/27 August 1759 [D8457]
  13. Autograph letter signed from Count Ivan Ivanovich Shuvalov to Voltaire, written from St Petersburg and dated 12/23 December 1759 [D8675]
  14. Autograph letter signed from Count Ivan Ivanovich Shuvalov to Voltaire, written from St Petersburg and dated 6/17 June 1760 [D8987]
  15. Autograph letter signed from Count Ivan Ivanovich Shuvalov to Voltaire, written from St Petersburg and dated 26 January 1761 [D9612]
  16. Autograph letter signed from Count Ivan Ivanovich Shuvalov to Voltaire, written from St Petersburg and dated 29 April 1761 [D9775]
  17. Autograph letter signed from Count Ivan Ivanovich Shuvalov to Voltaire, written from St Petersburg and dated 17/28 September 1761 [D10042]
  18. Partially autograph letter signed from Count Ivan Ivanovich Shuvalov to Voltaire, written from St Petersburg and dated 14/25 January 1762 [D10281]
  19. Autograph letter signed from Count Ivan Ivanovich Shuvalov to Voltaire, written from St Petersburg and dated 1/12 May 1762 [D10444]
  20. Partially autograph letter signed from Count Ivan Ivanovich Shuvalov to Voltaire, written from St Petersburg and dated 9/20 July 1762 [D10596]
  21. Autograph letter signed from Count Ivan Ivanovich Shuvalov to Voltaire, written from Moscow and dated 18/29 October 1762 [D10783]
  22. Autograph letter from John Wilkes to Voltaire, written from Geneva and dated 22 August [1765] [D12844]
  23. Original manuscript copy of an article about Voltaire published in the Morning Post and Daily Advertiser on 23 March 1779
  24. Autograph letter signed from Louis-Alexandre-Jacques Mitouart to the ministre de l’intérieur, written from Paris and dated ’24 Ventôse an 7′, i.e. 14 March 1799
  25. Old copy of Portrait de Voltaire et Réponse
  26. Autograph letter signed from Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat, marquis de Condorcet to Voltaire, dated [14 April] 1772 [D17695]