Lettres inédites

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Lettres inédites

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  1. Autograph letter from Voltaire to an unidentified recipient, undated
  2. Autograph receipt signed from Voltaire to Formont, dated 6 June 1719 [D77a]
  3. Letter from Voltaire to Marie-Louise Denis, dated 7 May 1744 [D2967a]
  4. Letter from Voltaire to Marie-Louise Denis, dated 3 May 1745 [D3112a]
  5. Letter from Voltaire to Marie-Louise Denis, dated 1 July 1745 [D3166a]
  6. Letter from Voltaire to Marie-Louise Denis, dated September 1745 [D3205a]
  7. Letter from Voltaire to Marie-Louise Denis, dated April 1746 [D3347a]
  8. Letter fom Voltaire to Marie-Louise Denis, dated 22 March 1748 [D3630a]
  9. Contemporary copy of a letter from Frederick II of Prussia to Voltaire, dated 3 February [1749] [D3856a]
  10. Letter signed from Voltaire to révérend pére de Menoux, supérieur de la mission royale à Nancy, written in the hand of Cosimo Alessandro Collini from Colmar and dated 12 April 1754 [D5770a]
  11. Letter from Voltaire to Claire Josèphe Hippolyte Leris de LaTude Clairon, written from Lausanne and dated 12 March 1758 [D7680a]
  12. Autograph letter signed from Voltaire to Sébastien Dupont, written from Les Délices and dated 13 September [1758] [D7858a]
  13. Letter from Voltaire to Marie-Louise Denis, dated 20 May 1768 [D15028a]
  14. Original letter from Voltaire to Marie-Louise Denis, dated 7 September 1769 [D15878a]
  15. Original letter from Voltaire to Marie-Louise Denis, dated 19 September 1769 [D15906a]
  16. Letter signed from Voltaire to Marie-Louise Denis, dated 8 October 1769 [D15945a]
  17. Letter signed from Voltaire to Marie-Louise Denis, dated 9 November 1769 [D15992a]
  18. Two autograph letters signed and three additional letters in the hand of Wagnière from Voltaire to John More, 1773
  19. Letter signed from Voltaire to an unknown recipient, written in the hand of Wagnière from Ferney and dated 1776 [inédit]
  20. Letter signed from Voltaire to Mr. Audibert, written in the hand of Wagnière from Ferney and dated 12 September 1776 [D2091a]
  21. Letter from Voltaire to Marie-Louise Denis, dated 1 May 1749 [D3917a]
  22. Letter from Voltaire to Marie-Louise Denis, dated May 1749 [D3916a]
  23. Letter from Voltaire to Marie-Louise Denis, dated 24 August 1749 [D3993a]
  24. Letter from Voltaire to Marie-Louise Denis, dated 15 August 1749 [D3993a]
  25. Letter from Voltaire to Marie-Louise Denis, dated 10 April 1749 [D3902a]
  26. Autograph letter from Gabrielle-Émilie le Tonnelier de Breteuil, marquise Du Châtelet to Charles-Augustin de Ferriol, comte d’Argental, written from Cirey and dated 31 October 1738 [D1644a]
  27. Autograph letter from Gabrielle-Émilie le Tonnelier de Breteuil, marquise Du Châtelet to Charles-Augustin de Ferriol, comte d’Argental, dated 5 [May 1739] [D2003a]
  28. Autograph letter signed from Olympe Durcoyer, Comtesse de Winterfeld, written from Paris and dated 4 November 1749 [D4056a]
  29. Autograph draft of a letter from Voltaire to Frederick II of Prussia, dated November 1736 [D1187a]
  30. Autograph draft of a letter from Voltaire to Frederick II of Prussia, dating to 4 July 1740 [D2259a]
  31. Autograph lettersigned from Gabrielle-Émilie le Tonnelier de Breteuil, marquise Du Châtelet to Mr. de Roncières, written from Paris and dated 19 February [17]49 [D3878a]
  32. Autograph letter from Gabrielle-Émilie le Tonnelier de Breteuil, marquise Du Châtelet to Charles-Augustin de Ferriol, comte d’Argental, written from Cirey and dated 12 October 1738 [D1625a]
  33. Autograph letter from Gabrielle-Émilie le Tonnelier de Breteuil, marquise Du Châtelet to Charles-Augustin de Ferriol, comte d’Argental, written from Cirey and dated 29 October 1738 [D1641a]
  34. Autograph letter from Gabrielle-Émilie le Tonnelier de Breteuil, marquise Du Châtelet to Jean-François de Saint-Lambert, marquis de Saint-Lambert, dating to 1748
  35. Autograph letter from Gabrielle-Émilie le Tonnelier de Breteuil, marquise Du Châtelet to Charles-Augustin de Ferriol, comte d’Argental, written from Cirey and dated 29-30 October [1736] [D1187a]
  36. Autograph letter signed from Voltaire to Claude Henri Feydeau de Marville, dated ‘Jeudy au soir’ [May 1746?] [D3372a]
  37. Autograph letter signed from Wantemberguer, bailiff of Nyon to Voltaire, written from Nyon and dated 27 January 1765 [D12350a]
  38. Draft of a letter from Voltaire to Louis Gaspard Fabry, written in an unknown secretarial hand and dating to c.January 1765 [D12363b]
  39. Draft of a letter from Voltaire to Wantemberguer, Bailiff of Nyon, written in an unknown secretarial hand and dating to c.January 1765 [D12406a]
  40. Letter from Voltaire to Louis Gaspard Fabry, written in the hand of Wagnière from Ferney and dated 15 February 1765 ‘au soir’
  41. Letter signed from Marie-Louise Denis to the Conseil de régence de Montbéliard, written in the hand of Wagnière from ‘rue de Richelieu vis à vis l’hotel choiseul’, Paris and dated 15 June 1778
  42. Mémoire from Voltaire, written from Charlottenbourg on 3 September 1743 and sent to Louis Guy Henri, Marquis de Valori
  43. Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Nicolas-Claude Thieriot, written from Cambray and dated 10 September 1722 [D119a]
  44. Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Louis-François Prault, dated 27 October 1736 [D1184a]
  45. Contemporary copy of a letter from Pierre-Joseph Thoulier d’Olivet, abbé d’Olivet to Voltaire, written from Paris and dated 23 September 1739 [D2077a]
  46. Autograph letter signed from Charles Bétems to Voltaire, dated 3 January 1761 [D9517a]
  47. Letter of recommendation for two watchmakers written in the hand of Wagnière, signed by Voltaire and dated 17 September 1775 [D19665a]
  48. Secretarial copy of a letter from Voltaire to Joseph-Nicolas Deschamps de Chaumont, written in the hand of Wagnière from Ferney and dated 27 January 1761 [D9577a]
  49. Draft of a letter from Ambroise Decroze to the Procureur général, written in the hand of Wagnière with corrections by Voltaire from the Village de Sacony and dated 26 January [1761] [D9576a]
  50. Draft of a letter from Ambroise Decroze to the Procureur général, written in the hand of Wagnière from the Village de Sacony and dated 26 January 1761 [D9576b]
  51. Autograph letter signed from Ambroise Decroze to Voltaire, written from Sacony and dated ‘ce 7e [January 1761] a 6 heures du matin’ [D9525a]
  52. Autograph letter signed from Ambroise Decroze to Voltaire, written from Sacony and dated 10 December 1761 [D10201a]
  53. Autograph letter signed from Ambroise Decroze to Voltaire, dating to c.10 December 1761 [D10201b]
  54. Autograph letter signed from Ambroise Decroze to Voltaire, dated 11 January 1761 [D953a]
  55. Autograph letter signed from Ambroise Decroze to Voltaire, dated 13 January 1761 [D9539a]
  56. Autograph letter signed from Ambroise Decroze to Jean-Louis Wagnière, dated 16 January 1761 [D9551a]
  57. Autograph letter signed from Vachat to Ambroise Decroze, written from Gex and dated 17 January 1761 [D9557a]
  58. Autograph letter signed from Ambroise Decroze to Voltaire, written from Sacony and dated 24 January 1761 [D9572a]
  59. Autograph letter signed from Ambroise Decroze to Voltaire, dated 27 January 1761, written on the reverse of a letter from J.J. Vachat to Ambroise Decroze also dated 27 January 1761 [D9577b]
  60. Autograph letter signed from Ambroise Decroze to Jean-Charles Girod, written from Sacony and dated 30 January 1761 [D9584a]
  61. Letter signed from Ambroise Decroze to Vaillet, written from Sacony and dated 30 January 1761 [D9584b]
  62. Autograph letter signed from Ambroise Decroze to Jean-Louis Wagnière, dated 9 February 1761 [D9619a]
  63. Autograph letter signed from Ambroise Decroze to Voltaire, written from Sacony and dated 6 March 1761 [D10365a]
  64. Autograph letter signed from Ambroise Decroze to Voltaire, dated 22 January 1762 [D10280a]
  65. Autograph letter from Ambroise Decroze to Voltaire, undated [inédit]
  66. Autograph letter signed from Guyot to Voltaire, written from Sacony and dated 4 January 1761 [D9521a]
  67. Signed statement from F. D. Cabanis regarding the Decroze affair, addressed to Voltaire and dated 6 February 1761 [D9611a]
  68. Secretarial copy of a letter from the Procureur général du parlement de Dijon to Voltaire, written in the hand of Wagnière and dating to 12 January 1761 [D9536a]
  69. Contemporary copy of predictions made about Voltaire’s Sémiramis in a letter to M. Le Chevalier de V on 9 August 1748 [D3730b]
  70. Autograph letter signed from Voltaire to Jean Le Rond d’Alembert, written from Lausanne and dated 1 September [1757] [D7363a]
  71. Autograph letter signed from Voltaire to Gabriel Cramer, undated [inédit]
  72. Recueil of poetry, 1749
  73. Old copy of a letter Voltaire to Pierre-Laurent Buirette de Belloy, dated 28 August 1764 [D12064a]
  74. Secretarial copy of a letter in the hand of Simon Bigex from Claude Henri de Fusée de Voisenon to Voltaire, written from Paris and dated 5 December 1769 [D16019a]
  75. Contemporary copy of a letter from Louis de Boissy to Voltaire, written from Paris and dated 20 March 1773 [D18263a]
  76. Autograph letter signed from Voltaire to an unidentified recipient, written from Paris and dated 17/18 December [inédit]
  77. Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Louis de Jaucourt, written from Paris and dated 29 January 1768 [D14710a]
  78. Autograph letter from Josua van Iperen to Jonah Willem te Water concerning Voltaire, written from Veris and dated 22 May 1775 [D19490a]
  79. Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Joseph-Michel-Antoine Servan, dated 1767 [inédit]
  80. Original letter from Voltaire to Alexandre Marie François de Paule de Dompierre d’Hornoy, dated 19 November 1777 [D20909a]
  81. Letter signed from Voltaire to Lorenzo Guazzesi, written in the hand of Wagnière from Ferney and dated 18 October 1763 [inédit]
  82. Letter signed from Voltaire to an unnamed recipient, written in the hand of Wagnière from Ferney and dated 30 October 1769 [inédit]
  83. Autograph letter signed from Voltaire to an unknown recipient, c.August 1764 [D3557-R1]