This lengthy letter discusses certain figures in Russia’s leadership. Von Bassewitz talks about Peter the Third’s reign and that he may “incur a new war”, but luckily the war should be short and peace will reign shortly after. The letter then goes on to talk about a manuscript of the life of Alexis of Russia, and quotes directly from the manuscript. The quoted passage from the manuscript paints a picture of the child Alexis, who was neglected and given governors to care for him so that he would behave himself. Once he was given a good governor/ teacher, his genius began to show that he could speak, write, and draw very well. By 1705, he had read the Bible 5 times in Slavonian, one time in Luther’s German version, and the works of several Greek fathers. Then Von Bassewitz mentions some manuscripts regarding Peter the Great, who was the son of Alexis. The letter is signed “Your very humble and very obedient servant.” The letter has been misdated in the University of Southern California’s catalogue and should instead be dated 9 March 1762.