Origin: Foxley, Herefordshire

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Price comments on and mocks the postal system before recommending that Beaumont read Charles James Fox’s speech on the Duke of Bedford. He goes on to quote lines from Voltaire on Greek philosophy and poetry, before returning to Fox’s speech.

Repository: The Morgan Library & Museum, New York, US
CMV: cmv35284

Price discusses architectural matters before going on to discuss a visit he had recently received from Lord Tyrconnell. He then asks whether or not Beaumont followed his advice and read Montaigne’s Essays, remarking upon aspects of his writing that he believes would appeal to Beaumont and identifying passages in Voltaire’s Alzire and Rousseau’s Ode to Fortune which he believes were inspired by Montaigne. He then provides news on family and friends.

Repository: The Morgan Library & Museum, New York, US
CMV: cmv35287