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Report of Archibald MacDonald on 1 individual petition (prisoner) and 4 collective petitions (48 people, from London, including 2 aldermen; 37 people from London, including an alderman and neighbours of the prisoner; 18 people from London, and 32 people from London) on behalf of Isaac Morgan (indicted as John Morgan), bookseller, convicted at the Court of King’s Bench, on 16 May 1789, for the publication of an obscene libel by selling a pamphlet The Battles of Venus, translated from Voltaire, in May 1788. There is also a written evidence by Isaac Morgan. Grounds for clemency: prisoner did not realise the book sold was obscene, the book has been sold widely in London, another bookseller selling the same book has received a free pardon, prisoner has a good reputation and supports his mother (aged over 70) who is in great distress. Initial sentence: 12 months imprisonment in Newgate, to stand once in the pillory at Charing Cross and security of £200 for future good behaviour. Recommendation: remission of the requirement to stand in the pillory but the rest of the sentence to stand.