Keyword: Comte de Frise

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Willem van Keppel, 2nd Earl of Albemarle notes that the French Commissaries have presented a memorial on St. Lucia only, intending to make cases for each island separately. He adds that Ammon will stay in Voltaire’s house on arrival, and that all units are to be up to establishment by April 1st. He goes on to say that the King has given Chambord and its contents to the Comte de Frise, stating that Bellegarde, residuary legatee (of Saxe’s estate), would inherit only debts and renounces all claims. He concludes by saying thay the Duchesse de Chevreuse will succeed the Duchesse de Luynes as maid of honour to the Queen.

Repository: The National Archives
Date: 13 February 1751
CMV: cmv33251