Keyword: Bayreuth

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Leslie offers his congratulations to d’Adhemar for his doctorate and praise from the court of Bayreuth. He discusses bibliographical notes on Voltaire, La Beaumelle, and Mme de Maintenon, and concludes with his recommendation of the Marquis de Fussey.

Repository: Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz / Prussian Privy State Archives
Date: 11 July [1756]
CMV: cmv37065

The margrave talks of Voltaire’s pennance, noting that will be forgiven and that he will be welcome in Bayreuth where friends are eager to oblige him. She questions the fulfilment of his promises, asking if the ‘German climate’ was able to reform the ‘French Lightness’ in such a short space of time. She notes that she hopes to see Voltaire again soon before recounting a visit to see his ‘feaux Profête’, remarking on the actors and the reception of Voltaire’s work. She concludes by discussing her correspondence with Mr de Folard, and begging Voltaire to complete his work soon.

Repository: Houghton Library
Date: 20 April 1752
CMV: cmv33379