Keyword: Architecture

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Georg von Löw opens the letter by thanking Budé for the jackets he sent, and asking for more of these. He promises to send more works by Voltaire and encloses a statement of account. Georg von Löw then orders more sherry for the Duke of York and reports on the progress that has been made on the building and furnishing of the Duke’s house. He notes that Verona’s celinings have been a great success, and that the neighbouring house has been acquired for use as staff quarters. He ends the letter by asking Budé to supply tableware for the Duke.

Repository: Royal Collections Trust
CMV: cmv34102

Price discusses architectural matters before going on to discuss a visit he had recently received from Lord Tyrconnell. He then asks whether or not Beaumont followed his advice and read Montaigne’s Essays, remarking upon aspects of his writing that he believes would appeal to Beaumont and identifying passages in Voltaire’s Alzire and Rousseau’s Ode to Fortune which he believes were inspired by Montaigne. He then provides news on family and friends.

Repository: The Morgan Library & Museum, New York, US
CMV: cmv35287

The letter presents a plan for a citadel designed by Détalonde Morival, whose rapid progress in mathematics and engineering is described as extraordinary. The author criticises complex mathematical pursuits as unnecessary, emphasising the practical value of a good engineer over abstract calculations. The letter advocates for Morival, a noble and capable soldier, to be employed in the service of the sovereign, highlighting his skills, dedication, and loyalty. The author, nearing the end of his life, seeks comfort in the sovereign’s continued support for Morival, asserting that such support would be a just response to the injustices Morival has faced. Additionally, according to T. D. N. Besterman, the letter is certainly dated 2 January 1775.

Repository: National Library of Russia
CMV: cmv36690

A collection of various documents, including: (I) Set of assignats comprising 16 assignats of five pounds from 1793 (Brumaire year II), 11 assignats of ten pounds from 1792, 3 assignats of fifteen sols from 1793, 2 assignats of 10 sous from the fourth year of freedom, 4 assignats of fifty sols, and 1 assignat of twenty-five sols.
(II) Set of autograph documents from Besins & Cie. including a letter from Joseph B. to Napoleon I (Madrid, 1808), a letter from Verlaine, a letter from Malherbe, a codicil from Napoleon, a testament from Racine, a note from Pierre Corneille, a letter from Voltaire to the Count of Laurencin, a letter of resignation from Cardinal de Rohan to Louis XVI, lots from the trial of the necklace (1786), last letter from Louis XVI to the National Convention, a letter from Beaumarchais to the Minister of the Interior, a letter from François I to the Empress, wife of Charles V on the subject of the interview at Aigues-mortes, a letter from Marie-Stuart to Philip II, a letter patent from Charles VII ennobling Jean d’Arc and his family (1429), a farewell letter from Charlotte Corday to her father after his arrest for the assassination of Marat, and some minutes.
(III) A set of four drypoint engravings of Versailles by Laboratoire Galbrun, ‘Bassin de Cérès’, ‘Le Tapis vert’, ‘Temple de l’Ampur'[?] and ‘Maison de la Reine’.
(IV) Les Laboratoires Carlier, ‘La cabinet de Perles’ by Thomas Lawrence, engravings, 1837.
(V) ‘Woman in French painting, 17th, 18th and 19th century’, Les Éditions Nationales, Paris.
(VI) A handwritten letter in English located in Quebec and dated 28 July 1754.
(VII) Certificate ‘To the glory of the great architect of the universe’ dated 23rd day of the 11th month of the year of true light 5826 (1817).

Repository: Private Collection
Date: c.18th
CMV: cmv32829