Associated Records
- Contemporary copy of ‘Le Comte de Boursoufle’ produced for Frederick II of Prussia c.1761
- Le Sottisier
- Contemporary copy of ‘Amélie ou le duc de Foix’, c.1752
- Incomplete contemporary copy of ‘Les Frères Ennemis’, c.1751
- Contemporary copy of ‘Les Frères Ennemis’, c.1751
- Contemporary copy of ‘Adélaïde Du Guesclin’, c.1734
- Contemporary copy of ‘Adélaïde Du Guesclin’, c.1734
- Contemporary copy of ‘Adélaïde Du Guesclin’, c.1734
- Contemporary copy of ‘Adélaïde Du Guesclin’, c.1775
- Contemporary, working copy of ‘Adélaïde Du Guesclin’, used at the Comédie-Française between 1734 and 1765
- Copy of ‘Quatrain pour le portrait de feue madame la duchesse de Bouillon’ sent by Voltaire to Cideville c.1735
- Presentation copy of Vie de Molière, c.1734-1737
- Copy of ‘Le Temple du Goût’, c.18th
- Copy of ‘Le Temple de l’Amitié’, c.18th
- Fair copy of ‘Le Temple de l’Amitié’, dated August 1760
- Contemporary copy of Zaïre with corrections relating to performances given at the Comédie-Française
- Secretarial copy of the ‘Prologue’ for La Mort de César in an unknown hand, sent from Voltaire to Agathe Truchis de La Grange on 7 June 1748 [D3660]
- Printed copy of Poème sur La Grâce (Paris, 1722), with a manuscript copy of ‘Lettre de M. Arouet de Voltaire à M. Racine sur son poème de La Grâce’
- Contemporary copy of La Fête de Bélesbat, dated December 1725
- Contemporary copy of the role of Lise from L’Enfant prodigue
- Contemporary copy of the roles of Clitandre, Trasimon, and Nérine from L’Indiscret
- Old copy of ‘La mort de Jules-César [La muerte de César]’, made from Desbordes’ edition of the Œuvres de Mr. de Voltaire
- Old copy of ‘Lettre de M. Algaroti sur le même sujet [La muerte de César]’, made from Desbordes’ edition of the Œuvres de Mr. de Voltaire
- Old copy of ‘Préface des Editeurs sur la tragédie de Jules-César’, made from Desbordes’ edition of the Œuvres de Mr. de Voltaire
- Old copy of ‘Alzyre ou les Américains’, made from Desbordes’ edition of the Œuvres de Mr. de Voltaire
- Old copy of ‘Discours préliminaire sur cette pièce’ [Alzire], made from Desbordes’ edition of the Œuvres de Mr. de Voltaire
- Old copy of ‘Epitre dédicatoire à Mme la marquise du Chastelet sur la tragédie d’Alzyre’, made from Desbordes’ edition of the Œuvres de Mr. de Voltaire
- Old copy of Zaïre, made from Desbordes’ edition of the Œuvres de Mr. de Voltaire
- Old copy of ‘Autre à Mlle le Gossin actrice’, made from Desbordes’ edition of the Œuvres de Mr. de Voltaire
- Old copy of ‘Epitre dédicatoire à M. Fakener’, made from Desbordes’ edition of the Œuvres de Mr. de Voltaire
- Old copy of ‘Avertissement sur la tragédie de Zayre’, made from Desbordes’ edition of the Œuvres de Mr. de Voltaire
- Old copy of L’Indiscret, made from Desbordes’ edition of the Œuvres de Mr. de Voltaire
- Contemporary copy of La Henriade, c.1728
- Copy from the Chansonnier Clairambault, vol.x of a poem attributed to Voltaire beginning ‘Usé de jeu que pratiquait Socrate’
- Copy from the Chansonnier Maurepas, vol.xiii of a poem attributed to Voltaire beginning ‘Usé de jeu que pratiquait Socrate’
- Contemporary copy of ‘À monsieur le duc de La Feuillade’, c.1718
- Contemporary copy of ‘À monsieur l’abbé de ***’
- Copy of ‘Épitre à Monsieur l’Abbé Servien’
- Copy of ‘Épitre à Monsieur l’Abbé Servien’
- Copy of ‘Épitre à Monsieur l’Abbé Servien’
- Contemporary copy of ‘À M** la C** De**’, c.1713
- Incomplete, contemporary copy of ‘Le Cadenas’
- Contemporary copy of ‘À Mademoiselle Duclos’, c.1750
- Copy of ‘À Mademoiselle Duclos’
- Contemporary copy of Hérode et Mariamne, written in the hand of Lekain c.1754-1759
- Old, fair copy of Hérode et Mariamne
- Autograph letter signed from Louis-Marie Stanislas Fréron to an unidentified recipient, dated 12 April 1776
- Autograph letter signed from Antoine-Augustin Renouard to an unidentified recipient concerning his edition of Voltaire’s work in 60 volumes, written from Paris and dated 9 August 1821
- Notes on Voltaire’s ‘History of the War of 1741’ (1756), Adam Ferguson’s ‘An Essay on the History of Civil Society’ (1767), and Sir Isaac Newton, undated
- English translation of Essai sur les mœurs et l’esprit des nations, undated
- Fair copy of Pandore, 1744
- Old copy of the prologue to Samson
- Contemporary copy of Samson, c.1739
- Contemporary copy of Samson, c.1739, misattributed to Piron
- Contemporary copy of Samson, c.1739
- Contemporary copy of Samson, c.1739
- Contemporary copy of Tanis et Zélide, ou les rois pasteurs, c.1733
- Partially autograph copy of ‘Remarques sur deux épîtres d’Helvétius’
- Copy of ‘Lettre à Monsieur Rameau’, dating to March 1738
- Copy of Zulime, c.1740
- Old copy of ‘L’Envieux’, published in 1738
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Jean-Baptiste Dubos, abbé Dubos, written from Cirey and dated 30 October [1738] [D1642]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Jean-Baptiste Dubos, abbé Dubos, written from Cirey and dated 30 October [1738] [D1642]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Jean-Baptiste Dubos, abbé Dubos, written from Cirey and dated 30 October [1738], with some autograph additions [D1642]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Jean-Baptiste Dubos, abbé Dubos, written from Cirey and dated 30 October [1738] [D1642]
- Copy of a letter from Voltaire to Jean-Baptiste Dubos, abbé Dubos, written from Cirey and dated 30 October [1738] [D1642]
- Fair copy of ‘Essay sur le siècle de Louis XIV’
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Frederick II of Prussia, written from Cirey and dated 18 October 1738 [D1628]
- Secretarial copy of ‘Vie de Monsieur Jean-Baptiste Rousseau’, 1738
- Undated copy of ‘Le Dimanche, ou les Filles de Minée’, c.1775
- Undated copy of ‘Le Dimanche, ou les Filles de Minée’, c.1775
- Undated copy of ‘Le Dimanche, ou les Filles de Minée’, c.1775
- Undated copy of ‘Le Dimanche, ou les Filles de Minée’, c.1775
- Undated copy of ‘Le Dimanche, ou les Filles de Minée’, c.1775
- Contemporary copy of ‘Mémoire sur Le Pays de Gex’, 1775
- Contemporary copy of ‘Lettre de M. Clocpitre à M. Eratou’
- Copy of ‘Essai sur les révolutions du monde et sur l’histoire de l’esprit humain depuis Charlemagne jusqu’à nos jours’
- Copy of ‘Essay sur le siècle de Louis XIV’, 1740
- Copy of a letter from Voltaire to Paul Foucher, written from Tournay and dated 31 August 1769 [D15857]
- Copy of a letter from Voltaire to Paul Foucher, written from Tournay and dated 31 August 1769 [D15857]
- Copy of a letter from Voltaire to Paul Foucher, written from Tournay and dated 31 August 1769 [D15857]
- Copy of a letter from Voltaire to Paul Foucher produced for the Beaumarchais-Kehl edition, written from Geneva and dated 25 June 1769 [D15702]
- Copy of ‘la Lettre à mr L’abbé foucher, de l’académie Roiale des inscriptions et belles lettres’, produced for the Beaumarchais-Kehl edition and dated 30 April 1769 [D15616]
- Contemporary copy of ‘Épître à Boileau, ou mon testament’, 1769
- Fair copy of ‘Le Canonisation de saint Cucufin’, 1769
- Copy of ‘Sur ce q’on m’avoit écrit que pendant la maladie du Dauphin plusieurs Citoyens de Paris s’étoient mis a genoux, un cierge a la main devant la statue equestre de Henri 4’
- Contemporary copy of ‘De l’antiquité du dogme de l’immortalité de l’âme par M. de Voltaire’, c.1759
- Contemporary copy of ‘De l’antiquité du dogme de l’immortalité de l’âme par M. de Voltaire’, c.1759
- Contemporary copy of ‘À M. de Chaban… sur Pindare et Horace’, written from Ferney and dated 9 March 1772
- Old copy of ‘À Ferney le 4 mai 1772’, incorrectly dated 4 March 1772
- Contemporary copy of ‘À Milord Chesterfield’, written from Ferney and dated 12 November 1771
- Contemporary copy of ‘À M. Horace Walpole’, written from Ferney and dated 15 July 1768
- Incomplete, old copy of ‘A Monsieur le baron de Faugères’, 3 May 1776
- Contemporary copy of ‘Réponse à M. l’avocat L…’, dated 14 March 1767
- Contemporary copy of ‘Réponse à M. le duc de Bouillon’, inaccurately dated 1762
- Contemporary copy of ‘Réponse à M. le duc de Bouillon’
- Contemporary copy of ‘Réponse à M. le duc de Bouillon’
- Contemporary copy of ‘Réponse à M. le duc de Bouillon’
- Contemporary copy of ‘Réponse à M. le duc de Bouillon’
- Contemporary copy of ‘Réponse à M. le duc de Bouillon’
- Nineteenth-century copy of ‘Réponse à M. de la Noue’
- Contemporary copy of ‘Réponse de M. de Voltaire à M. Clairaut’
- Contemporary copy of ‘Réponse de M. de Voltaire à M. Clairaut’
- Extracts of the Lettres philosophiques, taken from the 1734 Rouen edition
- Copy of ‘Vers Faits à L’Occasion D’une Pierre Où L’on a Gravé Les Têtes de Descartes, de Bayle, et de Fontenelle’, undated
- Copy of ‘L’Apothéose du Roi Pétaut’, published in 1775
- Copy of ‘Dégageons la Religion’, undated
- ‘Vers envoyés à M. Sylva’, inscribed in a printed edition of La Henriade (1741)
- Contemporary copy of ‘Au parnasse aujourd’hui vous me donnez un frère’, dated 28 June 1743
- Old copy of Chapters 25-26 of Histoire de la guerre de 1741 / Chapters 27-28 of Précis du siècle de Louis XV concerning Admiral Anson’s journey around the globe
- Old copy of the end of Chapter 1 of Histoire de la guerre de 1741 / Chapter 5 of Précis du siècle de Louis XV
- Fair copy of 28 chapters of Précis du siècle de Louis XV
- Untitled draft of 28 chapters of the Précis du siècle de Louis XV, with autograph additions and corrections by Voltaire
- Eighteenth-century copy of the letter ‘A S.A.S. Mme la D. de S.G.’ from the Annales de l’Empire depuis Charlemagne
- Eighteenth-century copy of the ‘Vers techniques’ of the Annales de l’Empire depuis Charlemagne
- Contemporary copy of the article ‘Fertilisation’ for Questions sur l’Encyclopédie
- Contemporary copy of the article ‘Fertilisation’ for Questions sur l’Encyclopédie
- Old copy of verses for the portrait of Confucius found in the article ‘De la Chine’ in Questions sur l’Encyclopédie
- Copy of À Mr L’abbé de Voisenon, undated
- Copy of À Mr L’abbé de Voisenon, undated
- Old copy of À Mr L’abbé de Voisenon, undated
- Old copy of À Mr L’abbé de Voisenon, undated
- Secretarial copy of À Mr L’abbé de Voisenon, written in the hand of Wagnière and dated 19 October 1765
- Contemporary copy of Propositions à examiner pour apaiser les divisions de Genève
- Old copy of Mandement du révérendissime Père en Dieu, Alexis, archevêque de Novogorod-La-Grande
- Contemporary copy of Mandement du révérendissime Père en Dieu, Alexis, archevêque de Novogorod-La-Grande
- Contemporary copy of Le Préservatif, produced in Bern on 12 March 1765
- Extracts copied from the correspondence of Voltaire an Frederick II of Prussia, 1927
- Fair copy of ‘Fragments de divers discours de Voltaire sur l’égalité des conditions’, c.19th-20th
- Contemporary copy of chapters 31-33 of Siècle de Louis XIV
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Jacques Antoine Hippolyte de Guibert, comte de Guibert to Voltaire, written from Saint-Florent, and dated 29 August 1766 [D15851]
- Autograph letter from Marie Aurore de Saxe, comtesse de Horn to Voltaire, sent instead to an unidentified friend and dating to 24 August [1768] [D15188n]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Jean Le Rond d’ Alembert, written from Ferney and dated 11 April 1768 [D14936]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Jean Le Rond d’ Alembert, dated 23 March 1768 [D14874]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Jean Le Rond d’ Alembert, dated 21 March 1768 [D14859]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Jean Le Rond d’ Alembert, dated 6 March 1768 [D14810]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Jean Le Rond d’ Alembert, dated 5 March [1768] [D14809]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Jean Le Rond d’ Alembert, written from Ferney and dated 22 February 1768 [D14770]
- Recueil of ariettes and songs, including several works by Voltaire
- Collection of letters (both autograph and copies) from the Cramer brothers, Marie-Louise Denis (née Mignot), Voltaire, Malesherbes, Fréron, Schœpflin, and Madame d’Épinay
- Description of the character of Voltaire, followed by examples of his letters and verse
- Old copy of Le Catéchumène, traduit du chinois produced in Brest on 19 August 1768
- Collection of letters to/from Voltaire relating to the printing of several pamphlets against Voltaire in Lyon, 1760
- Minutes of orders and instructions for the search for the correspondence and papers of Voltaire following his death, signed by Louis XVI and Bertin
- Folder of diverse extracts and documents concerning the years 1719-1726, including a copy of Voltaire’s Poème de Fontenoy
- Contemporary copy of Mémoires pour servir à la vie de M. De Voltaire, écris par luy même
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Sébastien Dupont with several autograph corrections, written from Prangins and dated 7 January 1755 [D6073]
- Copies of letters by Voltaire, and other documents concerning Voltaire and his family
- Copies of letters by Voltaire, and other documents concerning Voltaire and his family
- Fragment of a copy of Zaïre
- Contemporary copy of a single act comedy titled ‘Kelty’
- Contemporary copy of Voltaire’s Ériphyle (1732)
- Recueil of poetry and songs, including works by Voltaire
- Contemporary copy of Idée de la personne, de la manière de vivre et de la cour du roy de Prusse, attributed to Voltaire and La Baumelle (1753)
- Old copy of Voltaire’s declaration upon his imprisonment in Frankfurt, and of a letter from Voltaire to Marie-Louise Denis [née Mignot], dated 9 July 1753 [D5413]
- Recueil of songs and poetry dating from the second half of the 18th century
- Contemporary copy of Discours de Mr Belleguier
- Contemporary copy of the Dictionnaire théologique
- Manuscript copy of ‘Religion chrétienne analisée’, attributed to Voltaire
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Dmitry Mikhailovich Golitsyn, written from Ferney and dated 14 August 1767 [D14363]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Nicolas-Claude Thiériot, dated 1 April [1767] [D14079]
- Autograph letter signed from Jean-Louis Wagnière to an unidentified recipient, written from Collonge-Bellerive and dated 24 December 1766 [D13764a]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Jean Le Rond d’Alembert, written from Rolle and dated 23 July [1766] [D13440]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Pierre Rousseau, written from [Les Délices] and dated 8 May [March] 1763 [D11076]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Henri Louis Lekain, dating to 8 October 1765 [D12922]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Jean-Baptiste-Jacques Élie de Beaumont, written from Les Délices and dated 14 March 1763 [D11094]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to François Achard Joumard Tison, marquis d’Argence, written from Les Délices and dated 11 June 1762 [D10501]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Henri Louis Lekain, written from Les Délices and dated 2 June 1762 [D10482]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Henri Louis Lekain, dating to c.6 June 1761 [D9812]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Henri Louis Lekain, written from Les Délices and dated 30 January 1762 [D10297]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Henri Louis Lekain, written from Les Délices and dated 26 January 1762 [D10286]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Le Journal encyclopédique, written from Ferney and dated 3 March 1761 [D9664]
- Copy of a letter from Voltaire to Nicolas-Claude Thiériot, dated 15 December 1760 [D9462]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Charles Pinot Duclos, dated 19 [10] November 1760 [D9392]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Piero Alessandro Ginori, dated 15 April 1760 [D8853]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Le Journal encyclopédique, written from Tournay and dated 31 March 1760 [D8828]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Pierre-Robert Le Cornier de Cideville, signed by Jean-Baptiste-Guillaume Haillet de Couronne and Louis-Auguste Dambourney, written from Les Délices and dated 28 October 1758 [D7921]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Louis-Élisabeth de La Vergne, comte de Tressan, written from Lausanne and dated 7 March 1758 [D7670]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Pierre Légier, written from [Lausanne] and dating to 11 February 1758 [D7628]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Louis-Élisabeth de La Vergne, comte de Tressan, written from Lausanne and dated 11 February 1758 [D7629]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Henri Louis Lekain, dating to c.May/June 1760 [D8951]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Henri Louis Lekain, written from Les Délices and dated 4 August [1756] [D6959]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Henri Louis Lekain, written from Lausanne and dated 4 February 1757 [D7140]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Henri Louis Lekain, written from Lausanne and dated 5 January 1758 [D7557]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Henri Louis Lekain, dating to 27/28 July 1755 [D6359]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Henri Louis Lekain, dated 6 September 1755 [D6463]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Henri Louis Lekain, written from Les Délices and dated 20 November 1756 [D7058]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Charles Augustin Feriol, comte d’Argental, dated 29 October 1755 [D6556]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to César-Gabriel de Choiseul Praslin, dated 17 September 1755 [D6499]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Henri Louis Lekain, written from Les Délices and dated 14 April 1755 [D6243]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Henri Louis Lekain, written from Les Délices and dated 24 March 1755 [D6213]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire and Marie-Louise Denis [née Mignot] to Henri Louis Lekain, written from Prangins and dated 27 January 1755 [D6111]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Charles Augustin Feriol, comte d’Argental, dating to c.30 December 1754 [D6055]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Charles Augustin Feriol, comte d’Argental, written from Lyon and dated 23 November 1754 [D5990]
- French translation of a letter from Voltaire to Cardinal Girolamo Quirini, originally written in Italian from Berlin and dated 7 January 1752 [D4759]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Louis-François Prault, written from Brussels and dated 21 July [1739] [D2049]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Charles Augustin Feriol, comte d’Argental, dating to c.15 May 1750 [D4143]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Charles Augustin Feriol, comte d’Argental, dating to January 1750 [D4100]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Jean-Jacques Dortous de Mairan, written from Versailles and dated 10 January 1748 [D3604]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Le Mercure de France, dating to c.1 May 1746 [D3375]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Charles Augustin Feriol, comte d’Argental, and Jeanne GrâceBosc Du Bouchet, comtesse d’Argental, written from Fontainebleau and dated 5 October 1745 [D3228]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupertuis, dated ‘Samedy’ [26 June / 3 July 1745] [D3159]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Pierre-Robert Le Cornier de Cideville, signed by Jean-Baptiste-Guillaume Haillet de Couronne and Louis-Auguste Dambourney and dated 12 April 1745 [D3098]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Pierre-Robert Le Cornier de Cideville, signed by Jean-Baptiste-Guillaume Haillet de Couronne, written from Paris and dated 10 April 1745 [D3096]
- Old copy of a letter from Jean-Baptiste de Boyer, marquis d’Argens to Voltaire, written from The Hague and dating to c.March 1737 [D1297]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Pierre-Robert Le Cornier de Cideville, signed by Jean-Baptiste-Guillaume Haillet de Couronne and Louis-Auguste Dambourney, written from Versailles and dated ‘ce dimanche’ [c.3 June 1742] [D2614]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Pierre-Robert Le Cornier de Cideville, signed by Jean-Baptiste-Guillaume Haillet de Couronne and Louis-Auguste Dambourney, written from Paris and dating to March 1742 [D2598]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Pierre-Robert Le Cornier de Cideville, signed by Jean-Baptiste-Guillaume Haillet de Couronne and Louis-Auguste Dambourney, dating to c.5 April 1745 [D3095]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to M. Berger, written from Cirey and dating to c.25 December 1741 [D2575]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to M. Berger, written from Cirey and dating to c.15 May 1744 [D2976]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to M. Berger, written from The Hague and dating to October 1740 [D2338]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to M. Berger, written from Cirey and dating to c.4 June 1740 [D2219]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to M. Berger, written from Cirey and dating to c.15 June 1740 [D2236]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Charles Pinot Duclos, dating to c.January 1745 [D3065]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupertuis, dated 27 [November 1738] [D1668]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to M. Berger, written from Cirey and dating to c.20 September 1736 [D1151]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to M. Berger, written from Cirey and dating to c.15 October 1736 [D1169]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to La Bibliothèque française, written from Cirey and dated 30 August 1738 [D1602]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to M. Berger, written from Cirey and dating to c.20 July 1738 [D1562]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to M. Berger, written from Cirey and dating to c.15 July 1738 [D1557]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to M. Berger, written from Cirey and dating to c.10 April 1738 [D1481]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Charles Augustin Feriol, comte d’Argental, dating to 9 May 1738 [D1493]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupertuis, written from Cirey and dating to 9 July 1738 [D1549]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Charles Augustin Feriol, comte d’Argental, dating to 3 May 1738 [D1490]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to M. Berger, written from Cirey and dating to c.28 November 1736 [D1211]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to M. Berger, written from Cirey and dating to c.15 December 1734 [D814]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Charles Pinot Duclos, written from Cirey and dated 3 April [1738] [D1477]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to M. Berger, written from Brussels and dated August 1740 [D2284]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to M. Berger, written from Amsterdam and dated 3 January 1737 [D1245]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Pierre-Robert Le Cornier de Cideville, signed by Jean-Baptiste-Guillaume Haillet de Couronne and Louis-Auguste Dambourney, written from Cirey and dated 28 November 1735 [D948]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Jacques François Paul Aldonce de Sade, dating to c.October 1733 [D666]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupertuis, written from [Paris] and dated 10 September 1733 [D651]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Pierre-Robert Le Cornier de Cideville, signed by Jean-Baptiste-Guillaume Haillet de Couronne and Louis-Auguste Dambourney, and dated 25 March 1733 [D580]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Pierre-Robert Le Cornier de Cideville, signed by Jean-Baptiste-Guillaume Haillet de Couronne and Louis-Auguste Dambourney, and dated ‘ce mercredy’ [25 March 1733] [D579]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Pierre-Robert Le Cornier de Cideville, signed by Jean-Baptiste-Guillaume Haillet de Couronne and Louis-Auguste Dambourney, and dated 15 March 1733 [D574]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Marguerite Madeleine Du Moutier, marquise de Bernières, written from Maisons-Alfort and dated 30 October 1723 [D170]
- Old copy of a letter from Louis César de La Baume Le Blanc, Duc de La Vallière to Voltaire, written from Montrouge and dated 23 November 1763 [D11512]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Louis César de La Baume Le Blanc, Duc de La Vallière to Voltaire, written from Montrouge and dated 2 August 1762 [D10628]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Alexander the Great to his mother, written at the time of his death, said to have been found amongst the papers of Voltaire
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Bernard Joseph de Thomassin, baron de Juilly, written from Ferney and dated 27 November 1774 [D19204]
- Incomplete contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Charles Augustin Feriol, comte d’Argental, dating to 12 January 1767 [D13833]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Bernard Joseph de Thomassin, baron de Juilly, written from Ferney and dated 11 October 1771 [D17398]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Marie-Anne de Vichy-Chamrond, marquise Du Deffand, dated 16 December 1770 [D16838]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Nicolas-Claude Thiériot, dated 8 August 1770 [D16569]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Charles-Joseph, prince de Ligne, written from Ferney and dated 28 July 1769 [D15778]
- Old copy of a letter from Louise Honorine Crozat Du Châtel, duchesse de Choiseul [née Crozat] to Pierre Jacques Claude Dupuits, written from Versailles and dated 14 December 1768 [D15366]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Charles Godefroy de La Tour d’ Auvergne Bouillon, written from Ferney and dated 25 November 1767 [D14551]
- Letter signed from Marie-Louise Denis [née Mignot] to Jeanne Grâce Bosc Du Bouchet, comtesse d’Argental, written from Ferney and dated 3 February 1767 [D13914]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Louis César de La Baume Le Blanc, duc de La Vallière to Voltaire, written from Metz and dated 15 July 1760 [D9066a]
- Incomplete contemporary copy of a letter from Frederick II of Prussia to Voltaire, written from Meissen and dated 12 May 1760 [D8905]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Louis César de La Baume Le Blanc, duc de La Vallière to Voltaire, dating to November 1759 [D8600a]
- Letter signed from Frederick II of Prussia to Voltaire, written in a secretarial hand from Przedwojów and dated 2 July 1759 [D8383]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Pierre-Robert Le Cornier de Cideville, signed by Jean-Baptiste-Guillaume Haillet de Couronne and Louis-Auguste Dambourney, written from Les Délices and dated 10 November 1758 [D7936]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Pierre-Robert Le Cornier de Cideville, signed by Jean-Baptiste-Guillaume Haillet de Couronne and Louis-Auguste Dambourney, written from Les Délices and dated 4 October 1758 [D7889]
- Secretarial copy of a letter from Marie-Louise Denis [née Mignot] to Jeanne Grâce Bosc Du Bouchet, comtesse d’Argental, written from Ferney and dated 10 January 1767 [D13829]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Pierre Lullin, written from Ferney and dated 30 January 1766 [D13142]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Etienne-Noël Damilaville, written from Ferney and dated 4 February 1766 [D13156]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Charles-Jean-François Hénault to Voltaire, dated 28 December 1765 [D13069]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to La Gazette littéraire de l’Europe, dating to c.15 October 1764 [D12144]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Pierre-Louis d’Aquin de Château-Lyon, written from Les Délices and dated 22 June 1764 [D11941]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Jean-François Marmontel, dated 2 March 1763 [D11062]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Etienne-Noël Damilaville, dated 14 June [1762] [D10507]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Etienne-Noël Damilaville, dated 4 June 1762 [D10484]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Nicolas-Claude Thiériot, dating to 23 June 1761 [D9844]
- Contemporary copy of an extract of a letter from Voltaire to Sabina von Bassewitz, gräfin von Bassewitz, written from Ferney and dated 22 January 1761 [D9568]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Augustin Calmet, written from Lunéville and dated 15 February 1748 [D3618]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupertuis, written from Paris and dated 1 May 1746 [D3373]
- Secretarial copy of a letter from Voltaire to Jacques Emmanuel Roques de Maumont de La Rochefoucauld, written from Potsdam and dated 17 [November 1752] [D5077]
- Contemporary copy of a statement by Voltaire enclosed in a letter from him to Théodore Tronchin, dating to c.6 February 1759 [D8083]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to François Rougeot, dated 15 February 1765 [D12402]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Friedrich Wilhelm von Marschall, dated ‘ce Samedy’ [1751/1752] [D4649]
- Copy of a letter from Voltaire to Robert Smith, written from Paris and dated 10 October [1739] [D2089]
- Contemporary copy of Relation de ce qui est arrivé à mr. Voltaire à Francfort et la lettre qu’il a écrite de Maijence le 9 Juillet à madame Denijs, sa nièce, dating to c.1753
- Copy of a letter from Maastricht to ‘madame N’, dated 1767
- Contemporary copies of the correspondence between Voltaire and Albrecht von Haller in 1759
- Contemporary copy of a poem by Voltaire on the subject of Frederick II of Prussia
- Dutch copies of letters from Frederick II of Prussia to De Crébillon and Voltaire, and from Lord Chesterfield to his son, c.1775
- Contes choisis / Voltaire, 1898
- Contemporary copy of ‘Épître à Uranie’, c.1736
- Fair copy of La philosophie de l’histoire par l’Abbé Bazin (pseudonym of Voltaire), dated 1765
- Receuil de poësies et secrets, 1757
- Spanish translation of Voltaire’s La muerte de César, undated
- English translation of Zaire, c.1800
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Frederick II of Prussia to Voltaire, dated 3 February [1749]
- French verse miscellany, c.1750-1799
- Contemporary manuscript copy of La pucelle d’Orléans
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Marc de Beauvau, prince de Beauvau-Craon, dating to [March/April 1746] [D3346]
- Letter signed from Voltaire to Louis-Antoine de Caraccioli, written in an unidentified secretarial hand from Ferney and dated 15 September 1776 [D20294]
- Autograph letter from Voltaire to an unidentified recipient, undated
- Contemporary copy of a poem titled ‘L’Aigle et le Rossignol’
- Summaries of and extracts from the writings of Voltaire, Bolingbroke, Montesquieu, Rabelais, and Drake
- French Literature mss., ca. 1750-1981
- Commentary on Voltaire
- Valuation of Yorkshire estates of Lady Lewisham at lease, 1734; ‘Epigrammata’; Voltaire’s prophecy on Rousseau’s New Eloise, 1761
- Notes with extracts about Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough including poems, anecdotes and quotations from Voltaire, Pope and Swift
- Ce Prophète menteur, ce Prêtre fanatique’ (6 lines); on Voltaire’s Mahomet, 1742.
- RG Rhetorique
- [Letter and poem] / V.
- Gex. ‘Copie de la Réponse du Roy à l’article 3. du Cahier de Bugey de l’année 1767’
- Gex. ‘Copie de la Réponse du Roy à l’article 5 du Cahier de Bresse de l’année 1767’
- Gex. ‘Copie des reponses du Roy aux articles et 12 du Cahier de Gex en 1767’
- Gex. ‘Copie des articles 7, 8, 11 et 12 du cahier presenté au Roy en 1767 par les Etats de Gex’
- Gex. Copy of a draft edict concerning the salt laws of Gex
- Gex. Report headed ‘Population du pays de Gex’ and endorsed ‘No. 2062’
- For the St. James’s Chronicle, on reading The Dream in the poet’s corner of your last : manuscript transcript poem, [1769?], [1769?]
- Copy of a poem titled ‘To Mr. Voltaire’, late c.18th
- Contemporary copy of a royal edict dated ’28 ii 1776′ transferring a customs depot from Collonges to Longeray
- Copy of ‘Mort d’Arroüet de Voltaire’, 1778
- Latin poem on Voltaire, c.1778
- Report concerning Gex headed ‘Mémoire’ and endorsed ‘No. 3786. Gabelles et Tabac’.
- The new Jamaica almanack, and register: calculated to the meridian of the island for the year of our Lord 1798. Being the second after bissextile or leap year (Kingston: Stevenson and Aikman, 1798)
- Appreciation of the life of [the late] Samuel Kenrick of Bewdley
- The Socinian’s Creed
- Catalogue des livres
- Order of procedure in the trial of François-Jean de la Barre, 1765-1766
- Report providing observations of a project seeking to detach the Pays de Gex from the five fermes
- Notes on interviews with 77 witnesses, concerning the case of Jean François Lefèvre, chevalier de La Barre, and Mr Belleval prepared by or for Voltaire’s great nephew, Alexandre Marie François de Paule de Dompierre d’Hornoy
- Unidentified author. ALS to Feydeau de Marville, Claud Henri re François MArie Arouet de Voltaire, 18 December 1742
- Diary (notebook) of journey in France and Switzerland
- Continuation of GD1/616/215. Journey towards Venice.
- Copies of various letters relating to Admiral Byng’s court martial
- Dossier concerning the trial of Jean François Lefèvre, chevalier de La Barre, mostly documents for the defence prepared by or for Voltaire’s great nephew, Alexandre Marie François de Paule de Dompierre d’Hornoy
- Index to Voltaire’s Historical Works
- Verse, 1715-1802
- Mémoire sur Genève
- Report of police searches of bookshops
- Report of police searches of bookshops
- Two identical copies of the printed Arrêt du conseil d’état du roi published on 22 July 1780.
- Le Secretaire perpétuel de la Classe (Suardi), Extrait du procès verbal de la Séance de la Classe de la langue et de la littérature françaises
- Le Secretaire perpétuel de la Classe (Suardi), Extrait du procès verbal de la Séance de la Classe de la langue et de la littérature françaises
- Le Secretaire perpétuel de la Classe (Suardi), Extrait du procès verbal de la Séance de la Classe de la langue et de la littérature françaises
- Envelope. ‘Due lettre, l’una di Pietro Metastasio, l’altra di Voltaire, a Gasparo Angiolini’
- Epitre de M. de Voltaire à P. Bleuet. 14. Les Castrats
- L’ame de Voltaire. Vision
- La religion naturelle: Poeme en quatre parties par M. V[oltaire]
- Letter from an unknown author to Voltaire, dating to c.August 1745 [D3189]
- Letter from an unidentified sender to Mr P.D.F., sending a copy of Voltaire’s ‘Le temple du goust’
- Tracing of an autograph note from Frederick II of Prussia to Voltaire dating to c.5 December 1752 [D5096] with an autograph reply from Voltaire added beneath the letter also dating to c.5 December 1752 [D5097]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Willem Jacob ‘s Gravesande, written from Brussels and dated 1 August 1741, with a few additions in the hand of Voltaire [D2519]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Frederick II of Prussia, written from Rotterdam and dated 20 January 1740, with an autograph provenance note [D2386]
- Signed letter from Voltaire to Laurent-François Prault, written from Cirey and dated 9 February 1736 [D1005]
- Conversation between Voltaire and Karl Friedrich Bahrdt
- Publication ban on Voltaire’s Lettres philosophiques, issued in Berlin and dated 3 October 1758
- Regulation of personnel and administrative matters in the state archives, Vol. 4
- Stances à Voltaire, dated 5 September 1740
- Document discussing the conflict between Voltaire and Abraham Hirschel, dated 1751
- Contemporary copy of Idée de la personne de la manière de vivre et de la cour du roi de Prusse
- Document concerning the arrest of Voltaire’s Chamberlain in Frankfurt in 1753
- Menus and consumption of the court kitchen of King Frederick II and Voltaire during his stay in Potsdam and Berlin, 1-30 November 1750
- Menus and consumption of the court kitchen of King Frederick II and Voltaire during his stay in Potsdam and Berlin, 1-31 December 1750
- Menus and consumption of the court kitchen of King Frederick II and Voltaire during his stay in Potsdam and Berlin, 1-31 January 1751
- Menus and consumption of the court kitchen of King Frederick II and Voltaire during his stay in Potsdam and Berlin, 1-28 February 1751
- Menus and consumption of the court kitchen of King Frederick II and Voltaire during his stay in Potsdam and Berlin, 1-31 March 1751
- Menus and consumption of the court kitchen of King Frederick II and Voltaire during his stay in Potsdam and Berlin, 1-30 April 1751
- Menus and consumption of the court kitchen of King Frederick II and Voltaire during his stay in Potsdam and Berlin, 1-31 May 1751
- Menus and consumption of the court kitchen of King Frederick II and Voltaire during his stay in Potsdam and Berlin, 1-30 June 1751
- Menus and consumption of the court kitchen of King Frederick II and Voltaire during his stay in Potsdam and Berlin, 1-30 August 1751
- Menus and consumption of the court kitchen of King Frederick II and Voltaire during his stay in Potsdam and Berlin, 1-31 October 1751
- Menus and consumption of the court kitchen of King Frederick II and Voltaire during his stay in Potsdam and Berlin, 1-30 November 1751
- Menus and consumption of the court kitchen of King Frederick II and Voltaire during his stay in Potsdam and Berlin, 1-31 December 1751
- Menus and consumption of the court kitchen of King Frederick II and Voltaire during his stay in Potsdam and Berlin, 1-31 May 1752
- Menus and consumption of the court kitchen of King Frederick II and Voltaire during his stay in Potsdam, Lager bei Pitzphul, Berlin, Stettin, Königsberg, and Charlottenburg, 1-30 June 1752
- Menus and consumption of the court kitchen of King Frederick II and Voltaire during his stay in Potsdam, 1-31 July 1752
- Menus and consumption of the court kitchen of King Frederick II and Voltaire during his stay in Berlin and Potsdam, 1-31 October 1752
- Menus and consumption of the court kitchen of King Frederick II and Voltaire during his stay in Berlin and Potsdam, 1-30 November 1752
- Contemporary copy of Sur l’Estampe written in the front of a 1775 edition of Commentaire sur la Henriade, Par Feu Mr. de la Beaumelle
- Late eighteenth-century notebook containing selected verses of Voltaire, Boilean, Mr Oldham and the Tatler
- Signed letter from Voltaire to Antoine Benoît de Girard de Propiac, written from Les Délices and dated 15 March 1759 [D8184]
- Manuscript copy of La Pucelle d’Orlèans
- Du Chatelet, Emilie, Voltaire, François Marie Arouet, Maupertuis, Pierre-Louis Moreau de. Correspondence von Voltaire und Madame Du Chatelet mit Maupertuis
- Contemporary copy of ‘Épître à Uranie’
- Medical recipe and commonplace book
- Spanish translation of Zaïre
- Papeles referentes a los jesuitas y otros asuntos [Manuscrito]
- Papeles varios [Manuscrito]
- Contemporary copy of La Henriade in an unknown hand
- Contemporary English translation of ‘Épître à Uranie’
- Istorija Karla XII : manuscript, [17–?].
- Poem, mid-18th century, headed ‘Pièce de Voltaire’
- Autograph notes for Siècle de Louis XIV concerning Pierre Lainet, or Lénet
- Vers de Société, etc.
- French Interest.- 18th Century
- Extracts from Voltaire’s Histoire Universelle, touching the Institution of Corporations.
- The worthy lover, or The fopp displayed : a comedy : manuscript, 1736.
- VOLTAIRE (1694-1778) Réunion de 2 manuscrits autographes et 1 manuscrit en partie autographe
- A notebook containing manuscript copies of satirical verses c.1740
- François Marie Arouet de Voltaire: Assignments of transl of his Abridgement of Universal History and History of the War of: 1741, 1754, 1755.
- Les oeuvres de Mr. de Volataire : manuscript, 1743.
- Voltaire, contemporary copy of his letter to Catherine Félicité Marie, queen consort of France [née Leszczyńska] of 10 october 1746 (D3777), with a scribal manuscript of short satirical poems mostly concerned with French and European politics
- Poeme du Sr de Voltaire fait en deux jours sur la Bataille de Fontenoy, remportée le 11 juin 1743 par Louis XV, contre les Anglais, hollandois, et autrichiens, commandés par Le Duc du Cumberland
- Frederick II of Prussia: Letters to P. J. de Crébillon and Voltaire: 1749.: Fr.: Copies.
- Presentation copy of La Pucelle d’Orleans
- Presentation copy of La Pucelle d’Orleans
- Manuscript in French entitled ‘Ide De la Personne, de la Manire de vivre, & de la Cour du Roy de Prusse’,, 1752
- La religion naturelle [Manuscrito] : pöeme en quatre parties au Roi de Prusse par M. V***
- Contemporary copy of La Pucelle d’Orleans
- El oráculo de los nuebos philosophos
- Caracter [de Voltaire] hecho por el rey de Prusia [Manuscrito]
- George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton: Letter to Voltaire: [1760].: Copy.
- Letters to Monsey from George, 1st Baron Lyttelton; 1760-1765, n.d. With copies of an undated exchange of letters between Lyttelton and Voltaire.
- George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton: Letter to F. M. A. de Voltaire: 1760.: Copy.
- Contemporary copy of La Pucelle d’Orleans
- Instruction pastorale de l’humble évêque d’Aletopolis : manuscript, [ca. 1765?]
- Brutus : tragedia / Voltaire.
- Lettera ad Urania di M. di Voltaire, tradotta dal francese
- Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet. Stanzas translated from Voltaire: [a poem in 9 stanzas of 4 lines each]
- Souvenirs, anecdotes et pensées diverses, ou, Morale de l’histoire et des philosophes, 1770 [i.e. ca. 1794-1795]
- Gex
- François Marie Arouet de Voltaire: Letter to J. Strange,: [1773?]: Dictated.
- Copy of Lord Chesterfield’s criticism, in a letter to his son, of Voltaire’s poem: La Henriade
- Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet. Epitaph on the King of Prussia: [a poem in 8 lines]
- Fair copy of ‘Épître à Uranie’ in an unidentified hand
- Copy of ‘La mort de mademoiselle Le Couvreur, fameuse actrice’, after the 1775 Geneva edition
- French commonplace book, dating to c.1778
- Printed copy of what is claimed to be Voltaire’s final verse
- Report concerning Gex headed ‘Mémoire’ and endorsed ‘No. 3786. Gabelles et Tabac’.
- Copy of a poem titled ‘Résponse du Roi de Prusse à Voltaire’, c.1800
- ‘La Munsteriade’, a political satire in verse purporting to be taken from Voltaire’s Brutus
- Spanish translation of ‘Olympie’, 1782
- Pisma różnego gatunku od roku 1793 zbierane // Writings of various genres since 1793 collected
- The Henriade, an epic poem in Ten cantos translated from the French of Voltaire into English Rhyme, by an émigré
- Copy of an English translation of Voltaire’s La Pucelle d’Orleans
- Morale Philosophique (ca. 1800)
- H δομνίτζα τής Βαβυλώνας, a translation into modern Greek of the Princesse de Babylone of François Arouet de Voltaire
- Commonplaces, etc.
- Le dépositaire Español
- Manuscript English translation of Charles XII by Voltaire, nd (?c1840)
- Las preguntas de Zapata [Manuscrito] traducidas por el Sr. Tamponet, Doctor en la Sorbona (h. 21). Moiseada (h. 23-30v)
- Notebook of sayings and quotations, taken from, inter alia, The Times, Johnson, Voltaire, Wellesley, Gibbon
- French commonplace book, ca. 1880-1920
- [Poetry]. Collection of French verses
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Frederick II of Prussia to Voltaire, written from Wrocław and dated 1 September 1766 [D13530]
- Letter from P. Baker to an unknown recipient, dated 10 October 1770
- Copy of a letter from Voltaire to James Boswell, written from Ferney and dated 11 February 1765 [D12397]
- Old copy of a letter from Frederick II of Prussia to Voltaire, written from Tribau and dated 12 April 1742 [D2602]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to M. Derrey de Roqueville, written from Ferney and dated 12 July 1769 [D15744]
- Autograph letter signed from Voltaire to Claude Philippe Fyot, marquis de La Marche, written from Aux Délices and dated 12 November [1755] [D6578]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Frederick II of Prussia to Voltaire, written from Potsdam and dated 13 August 1766 [D13494]
- Fair copy of a letter from Marie-Anne de Vichy-Chamrond, marquise Du Deffand to Voltaire, written from Paris and dated 13 November 1766 [D13670]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Frederick II of Prussia to Voltaire, written from Sanssouci Palace and dated 13 September 1766 [D13552]
- Fair copy of a letter from William Godwin to [?Anne Elizabeth] Lefanu, dated 14 March 1811
- Old, incomplete copy of a letter from Voltaire to Frederick II of Prussia, written from Paris and dated 15 May 1742 [D2605]
- Old copy of a letter from Frederick II of Prussia to Voltaire, written from Wrocław and dated 16 January 1758 [D7589]
- Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet. Letter to Charles Augustin Ferriol, Comte d’Argental
- Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet. Letter to Charles Augustin Ferriol, Comte d’Argental
- Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet. Letter to Charles Augustin Ferriol, Comte d’Argental
- Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet. Letter to Charles Augustin Ferriol, Comte d’Argental
- Copies of various letters relating to Admiral Byng’s court martial
- A copy of a letter to Adm. Byng from François Marie Arouet de Voltaire, 2 Jan. 1757, enclosing a letter to Voltaire from the Duc de Richelieu.
- Copies of literary and historical papers by a Mr. Perrie of London
- VOLTAIRE, François-Marie Arouet, dit (1694-1778).
- Signed letter from Voltaire to an unknown recipient
- The canceled May 17, 1727 Exchequer document authorizing payment of ₤200 to “Francis Voltaire, Gent[leman]” from the King’s privy purse, endorsed by the recipient on May 20, and signed Francis Voltaire
- Gex
- Frederick the Great to Voltaire…1, 1742 March 23
- Voltaire to Monsieur de Cideville, 1762 Mai 24
- Voltaire to Frederick the Great…1, 1741 August 29
- John Minifie to Norton Nicholls. Trezzo. Concerns Milanese court. Includes copy of letter by Voltaire “on his death bed”
- VOLTAIRE (François-Marie Arouet dit) Lettre signée
- Frederick the Great to Voltaire…2, 1742 January 8-April 12
- Frederick the Great to Voltaire…5, 1766 August 13-1766 September 4
- Letters assembled by Aronheim
- Frederick the Great to Voltaire…4, 1766 August 7
- VOLTAIRE, François-Marie Arouet, dit (1694-1778).
- Gex
- Frederick the Great to Voltaire…2, 1742 January 8-April 12
- Voltaire to Frederick the Great…5, 1770 June 8
- Copy letter from Mons Voltaire to Marie-Louis Denis [née Mignot] [née Mignot]. Military movements and imprisonment
- QUEUX DE ST HILAIRE (Auguste-Henry-Edouard, Marquis de) French neo-Hellenist. He was also a medievalist, and an avid music lover. Book from the library of the Marquis
- Extract taken from a letter from Voltaire to M. Diodati de Torazz
- Voltaire, François Marie Arouet de (C 3044-3047), 1764, n.d.
- Voltaire, François Marie Arouet de (C 3044-3047), 1764, n.d.
- Correspondence, mainly in French, 1767-1862, n.d.
- Correspondence, mainly in French, 1767-1862, n.d.
- Anecdote sur Belizaire par L’abbé Mauduit qui prie qu’on ne le nomme pas, and Au Roy de Dannemarck
- Changements dans Mahomet
- Autograph letter from Voltaire to an unknown recipient, written from Cirey and dated 11 June 1744 [D2990a]
- Letter signed from Voltaire to an unknown recipient, dating to June 1745 [D3144]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Bernado de Iriarte Nieves Rabelo to Voltaire, written from Madrid and dated October 1764 [D12281]
- Fair copy of ‘Le Temple du Goût’ accompanied by an Italian translation of the text, presented by Voltaire to Cardinal Melchior de Polignac
- Contemporary copy of a fictional letter from Mr. Clapierre to Mr. Eraton, questioning whether or not the Jews ate human flesh and how they prepared it. The letter is attributed to Voltaire
- Letter signed from Voltaire to an unknown recipient, written in the hand of Wagnière from Ferney and dated 20 November 1772 [D18030]
- Fair copy of a letter from Marie-Anne de Vichy-Chamrond, marquise Du Deffand to Voltaire, dated ‘Ce Mercredy’ 16 May 1764 [D11875]
- Letter from M. Lebret to an unknown male recipient, dated 14 April 1774
- Contemporary copy of Le Triomphe de l’Amour attributed to Voltaire
- Autograph letter signed from Voltaire to an unidentified recipient, written from Paris and dated 17/18 December [999, inédit]
- Contemporary copy of Épitaphe de Voltaire, written in the hand of Henri de Catt and dated 1760
- Contemporary copy of Déclaration de m. de Voltaire detenû en prison à Frankfurt pa le roi de Prusse
- Copies of documents by and about Voltaire, 1770-1778
- Letter commissioned by Diderot and written by a third party to Voltaire, dated 1750
- Letter from Antoine Honneste d’Adhémar de Monteil de Brunier, marquis d’Adhémar to an unidentified recipient, dated 1773
- Letter signed from Antoine Honneste d’Adhémar de Monteil de Brunier, marquis d’Adhémar to Voltaire, written from Bayreuth and dated 5 March 1753 [D5223a]
- Secretarial copy of Voltaire’s Aléxis, with autograph corrections, c.1778
- Copy of La Henriade, undated
- Copy of a letter purported to be from Voltaire to his correspondent in Madrid, c.1780
- Contemporary copy of ‘Épître à Uranie’, followed by an epigram on the same, 1749
- Fair copy of a letter from Voltaire to Marie-Anne de Vichy-Chamrond, marquise Du Deffand, dating to February/March 1761 [D9660]
- Commonplace book : manuscript, [17–]
- Commonplace book, [ca. 1748-1761].
- Manuscript book of verses : manuscript.
- Notebook titled ‘French papers relating to the King of Prussia 1752’
- Extracts from Voltaire, 1760, and from Hume on English history
- Poésies diverses, ca. 1771.
- Contemporary copy of ‘Elite de poësies fugitives’, originally published by Adrien Michel Hyacinthe Blin de Sainmore in Paris in 1769
- Commonplace book, [ca. 1821-1840].
- Fair copy of a letter from Marie-Anne de Vichy-Chamrond, marquise Du Deffand to Voltaire, written from Paris and dated 10 April 1768 [D14933]
- Fair copy of a letter from Voltaire to Marie-Anne de Vichy-Chamrond, marquise Du Deffand, dated 10 October 1760 [D9297
- Fair copy of a letter written from Voltaire to Marie-Anne de Vichy-Chamrond, marquise Du Deffand, dated 10 September [1749] [D4016]
- Fair copy of a letter from Marie-Anne de Vichy-Chamrond, marquise Du Deffand to Voltaire, written from Paris dated 10 September 1764 [D12078]
- Fair copy of a letter from Voltaire to Marie-Anne de Vichy-Chamrond, marquise Du Deffand, dated 11 December 1769 [D16036]
- Fair copy of a letter from Voltaire to Marie-Anne de Vichy-Chamrond, marquise Du Deffand, written from Les Délices and dated 11 October 1763 [D11455]
- Fair copy of a letter written from Voltaire to Marie-Anne de Vichy-Chamrond, marquise Du Deffand, written from Les Délices and dated 12 April 1760 [D8846]
- Fair copy of a letter from Voltaire to Marie-Anne de Vichy-Chamrond, marquise Du Deffand, written from Aux Délices and dated 12 September 1760 [D9222]
- Fair copy of a letter from Marie-Anne de Vichy-Chamrond, marquise Du Deffand to Voltaire, dated 13 December 1768 [D15365]
- Fair copy of a letter from Marie-Anne de Vichy-Chamrond, marquise Du Deffand to Voltaire, dated 13 February 1766 [D13170]
- Fair copy of a letter from Voltaire to Marie-Anne de Vichy-Chamrond, marquise Du Deffand, written from Ferney and dated 13 July 1768 [D15139]
- Fair copy of a letter written from Voltaire to Marie-Anne de Vichy-Chamrond, marquise Du Deffand, dated 13 October [1759] [D8533]
- Fair copy of a letter from Marie-Anne de Vichy-Chamrond, marquise Du Deffand to Voltaire, dated 14 August 1768 [D15169]
- Fair copy of a letter from Voltaire to Marie-Anne de Vichy-Chamrond, marquise Du Deffand, dated 14 July [1760] [D9063]
- Fair copy of a letter from Voltaire to Marie-Anne de Vichy-Chamrond, marquise Du Deffand, written from Ferney and dated 15 January 1761 [D9542]
- Letter signed from Voltaire to an unknown recipient, written in the hand of Wagnière from Ferney and dated 15 July 1776 [D20216]
- Fair copy of a letter from Voltaire to Marie-Anne de Vichy-Chamrond, marquise Du Deffand, dated 15 March 1769 [D15517]
- Fair copy of a letter from Marie-Anne de Vichy-Chamrond, marquise Du Deffand to Voltaire, written from Paris and dated 16 April 1760 [D8859]
- Fair copy of a letter from Voltaire to Marie-Anne de Vichy-Chamrond, marquise Du Deffand [née de Vichy], dated 16 December 1770 [D16838]
- Fair copy of a letter from Voltaire to Françoise Paule Huguet de Graffigny [née d’Issembourg Du Buisson d’Happoncourt], written from Les Délices and dated 16 May 1758 [D7736]
- Copybook of French Poems
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Frederick II of Prussia to Voltaire, written from Małujowice and dated 13 May 1741 [D2480*]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Charles Augustin Feriol, comte d’Argental, written from Cirey and dated 23 [July 1744] [D3006]
- Copy of Questions sur les miracles attributed to Voltaire, 1766
- Tracing of autograph note from Frederick II of Prussia to Voltaire dated 1752 [D5096] with an autograph reply from Voltaire added beneath the letter [D5097]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Louis François Prault to Voltaire, dated 1 December 1759 [D8625]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Louis François Prault, dated 7 January 1760 [D8704]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Louis François Prault to Voltaire, written from Paris and dated 20 August 1760 [D8739]
- Letter sent from Voltaire to Paul Claude Moultou, dated 1 September 1769 [D15863]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Albrecht von Haller dated 13 February 1759 [D8109]
- Copy of a memorandum from Mikhail Vorontsov to Richard Charles Francis Christian Meade, 3rd Earl of Clanwilliam, dated 1831
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Jean-Baptiste Rousseau to Mr de Launay, written from Brussels and dated 13 January 1733 [D561]
- Catalogue des livres de la bibliotéque [de Ferney]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Frederick II of Prussia to Voltaire, written from Rheinsberg and dated 1 February 1738 [D1439]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Claude Henri Feydeau, comte de Marville, dating to c.September 1742 [D2657]
- Recueil of literary, historical, and scientific pieces
- Autograph letter from Voltaire to César de Missy, dated ‘ce samedy 24’ [November 1742], which opens with an annotated copy of ‘Ode pour la reine de Hongrie’, written on 30 June 1742 [D2691]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Frederick II of Prussia, written from Rotterdam and dated 20 January 1740 [D2386]
- Old copy of a letter from Voltaire to Marie-Magdeleine-Angélique de La Brousse, comtesse de Verteillac, written from Paris and dated 21 May [1746] [D3395]
- Voltaire sends smaller poems to Frederick II of Prussia
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Marie-Louise Denis, written from Mainz and dated 9 July [1753] [D5413]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Jacob Friedrich von Bielfeld, written from Ferney and dated 8 April 1763 [D11156]
- Transcript of a letter from Frederick II of Prussia to Voltaire, dated 11 November 1736 [inédit]
- Copy of a letter from Frederick II of Prussia to Voltaire, dated December 1736
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Frederick II of Prussia to Voltaire, written from and dated [23 August 1750] [D4195]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Frederick II of Prussia to Voltaire, written from Potsdam and dated 19 March 1771, with a few autograph additions [D17099]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Frederick II of Prussia to Voltaire, written from Berlin and dated 28 December 1774, with a few autograph additions [D19258]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Frederick II of Prussia to Voltaire, written from Potsdam and dated 9 July 1777, with a few autograph additions [D20721]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Frederick II of Prussia to Voltaire, written from Wrocław and dated 16 January 1758, with a few autograph additions [D7589]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Frederick II of Prussia to Voltaire, written from Kamienna Góra and dated 18 April 1759, with a few autograph additions [D8268]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Frederick II of Prussia to Voltaire, written from Potsdam and dated 25 November 1776, with a few autograph additions [D20420]
- Contemporary copy of a letter from Frederick II of Prussia to Voltaire, written from Potsdam and dated 1 June 1777, with a few autograph additions [D20681]
- Draft a letter from Antoine Honneste d’Adhémar de Monteil de Brunier, marquis d’Adhémar to Voltaire, written from Erlangen and dated 17 March 1757, with autograph corrections [D7202b]
- Corrected copy of L’art de la guerre by Frederick II of Prussia, c.1751
- Copy of a letter from Louis XVI of France, to Louis Guillouet, comte d’Orvilliers mentioning Voltaire’s death, found in a bundle of ship’s papers
- Verse and prose works, including a number by, or ascribed to, Voltaire; 1753, n.d.