Monsieur, le jeune homme qui m’a apporté la lettre de votre Excellence du 28 fevrier a eté recu comme le seront toujours ceux que vous voudrez bien m’adresser.
Incipit Modernised:
Monsieur, Le jeune homme qui m’a apporté la lettre de votre Excellence du 28 février a été reçu comme le seront toujours ceux que vous voudrez bien m’adresser.
The paper is countermarked with the initials ‘GR’.
Bound with other letters in green morocco.
Additional Comments:
The MS has been folded into four (since unfolded). There is a minor tear to the lower part of the vertical fold line on both folios. Ink from the dateline has transferred onto the lower right-hand corner of f.93r suggesting that the MS was folded in half horizontally before being folded in half again vertically. The iron gall ink used to write the letter is beginning to cause some corrosion to the paper.