Monsieur, je recois par mr de Keizerling la lettre dont vous m’honorez du 10 septbre n. s. avec les mémoires sur le commerce et sur les campagnes en perse.
Incipit Modernised:
Monsieur, Je reçois par mr de Keizerling la lettre dont vous m’honorez du 10 septbre n. s. avec les mémoires sur le commerce et sur les campagnes en Perse.
The paper is watermarked with a shield bearing a post horn. Beneath the shield are the initials ‘D&C B’.
Bound with other letters in green morocco.
Additional Comments:
The MS has been folded into four (since unfolded). There are a number of ink blots throughout. There are several small tears along the edges of the folios, and the iron gall ink used to write the letter has caused some corrosion. There are remnants of red wax at the top of f.62v.
The MS has been endorsed ‘No.27’ in the upper left-hand corner of f.61r. A signed postscript has been added vertically to the lower left-hand margin of f.62v.