Partially autograph letter from Voltaire to Charles-Augustin de Ferriol, comte d’Argental, written in the hand of Villaume from Colmar and dated 28 February 1754 [D5699]
Français 12931 (fol.53-54), ‘XXXVII Lettres à M. et à Mme d’Argental. Années 1752-1759.’
Partially autograph letter from Voltaire to Charles-Augustin de Ferriol, comte d’Argental, written in the hand of Villaume from Colmar and dated 28 February 1754 [D5699]
Partially autograph letter from Voltaire to Charles-Augustin de Ferriol, comte d’Argental, written in the hand of Villaume from Colmar and dated 28 February 1754.
There is a small ink blot towards to bottom of f.53r. The paper has been folded to create a left-hand margin on both the recto and verso sides. The paper was locked using the ‘Tuck, Fold, and Seal’ method, and was sealed with a sealing wafer rather than wax. This is extant on f.54 has caused some damage to the same during the opening of the letter.
Voltaire has made two pen trials in the left-hand margin of f.53r. He has also added a subscription in his own hand and signed the letter on f.53v. There is a correction to the third word of Voltaire’s subscription in the form of a crossing out. A postmark has been drawn over the address on f.54v, and a faint Colmar postmark has also been stamped above the same.