Monsieur, Vous pardonnerez sans doute à mon grand âge et à mes maladies continuelles, si je ne vous ai pas remercié plutôt du beau présent dont vous m’avez honoré.
Incipit Modernised:
Monsieur, Vous pardonnerez sans doute à mon grand âge et à mes maladies continuelles, si je ne vous ai pas remercié plutôt du beau présent dont vous m’avez honoré.
Letter from Voltaire to Pierre Fulcrand de Rosset, written from château de Ferney and dated 22 April 1774.
Detailed Summary:
The writer apologises for their delayed response, attributing it to prolonged illness. They express admiration for the recipient’s poem on agriculture, acknowledging its blend of usefulness and pleasure but critique the adoption of certain agricultural methods discussed in the poem. They also address misconceptions about their previous statements on French Georgics and defend the value of poetry, while praising both the recipient’s and Mr De St Lambert’s contributions to literature. The writer asserts that literature should celebrate different forms of excellence and concludes with deep respect.
This MS was probably taken to St Petersburg by Wagnière in the summer of 1779 along with the rest of Voltaire’s library.
Fernand Caussy, Inventaire des manuscrits de la bibliothèque de Voltaire conservée à la bibliothèque impériale publique de Saint-Pétersbourg (Geneva, Slatkine reprints, 1970)