Secretarial copy of a letter from the Procureur général du parlement de Dijon to Voltaire, written in the hand of Wagnière and dating to 12 January 1761 [D9536a]
Lambert-David.IIIDecroze.5Divers.1.Procureur général du parlement de Dijon à Voltaire, [12 jan. 1761]
Secretarial copy of a letter from the Procureur général du parlement de Dijon to Voltaire, written in the hand of Wagnière and dating to 12 January 1761 [D9536a]
Secretarial copy of a letter from the Procureur général du parlement de Dijon to Voltaire, written in the hand of Wagnière and dating to 12 January 1761.
Detailed Summary:
The procureur général du parlement de Dijon informs Voltaire that he has written to his deputy of the Bailliage de Gex to follow the information against the attackers on Decroze provided in the detailed mémoire sent to him by Voltaire. He adds that progress with the case pleases him and that he promises to fully support the case it it comes before the public prosecutor.
Voltaire has endorsed the MS in his own hand as ‘lettre de M le procureur genéral de dijon certificat du chirurgien d’orney’ on f.2v. There is a minor correction to l.2 of the letter on f.1r in the form of corrected text being written over the top of incorrect text.