Gabriel fils de Benoit Guet laboureur demeurant à Colex a Declaré en présence de ^Xe^ Jean Louis Vuagniere et de Claude Louis Vuaillet notaire à Gex qu’il y a environ cinq ans que le Sr Ancian Curé de Moëns
Contemporary copy of a statement from Gabriel Guer regarding the Decroze affair, dated 27 January 1761.
Detailed Summary:
Gabriel Guet declares in the presence of Mr Bacquiat, Claude-Louis Vuaillet, Jean-Louis Wagnière, Pierre Auvernay, and Abraham Landry that he was beaten approximately five years ago by Ancian without provocation. He notes that he was beaten with sticks in the courtyard of the house of the Madame de la Maison Neuve in Collex. He claims that his mother was also beaten on the arm on this occassion, and was also attacked on another occassion by Ancian seven years previously.
Omitted text has been added superscript and part of l.12 on f.1r has been underlined. Voltaire has endorsed the MS in his own hand as ‘declaration de Gabr guet’ on f.1v.