A tab of paper has been appended to the upper right-hand corner of f.1r. On this tab is written the number 21254. The end of l.22 and the start of l.23 on f.1r, and l.15-18 on f.2r have been underlined. In the latter case, a waxy line has also been added in the left-hand margin beside the underlined text. A second, later had has added several notes to the MS. The first is the date ‘1er Avril 1769’ in the upper left-hand corner of f.1r. The second is the phrase ‘Voltaire / Piéce curieuse à garder’ in the upper right-hand corner of f.2v. The third is three dates, ’28 avril 1768′ and ’31 mars et 1er avril 1769′, also in the upper right-hand corner of f.2v.