The recueil contains c.100 poems, odes, épîtres, and verses, many of which are attributed to Voltaire. These include ‘Epître à Uranie’, ‘Lettre à Mr Thieriot’ [D4266] and a letter to Mr. Perret, dated 13 March 1743. This letter appears to be unknown. The compiler and scribe are unknown.
Bound in black polished calf with gilt tooling and marbled endpapers.
Additional Comments:
Materiality Keywords:
The library stamps of Louis-Nicolas de Cayrol and Lucien Graux have been added to the flyleaf. Cayrol has also added his signature to the right of his stamp. The letters ‘d’, ‘n’, ‘x’ and ‘o’ have been added to the margins throughout. A small number of marginal notes have been added to the MS, such as on p.37, p.57, p.70, p.77, p.79, p.87, p.105, and p.137-138. These are occassionally linked to the text through the use of corresponding symbols, as is the case on p.87. On p.37, a note in pencil offers a variant for the line ‘ô saxe, que nous vous devons’, reading ‘ô Saxe que nous vous aimons!’. Another marginal note on p.57 notes that the text, Voltaire’s Epître à Uranie, should not be printed (‘ne pas l’imprimer’. The same phrase has been added to the right of ‘Impromptu’ on p.87 which has been crossed out. The notes on p.79, p.105, and p.137-138 provide a bibliographical reference. There are several minor corrections throughout in the form of crossings out, the addition of corrected text superscript, and the addition of corrected text over the top of incorrect text. Several words and phrases have been underlined throughout.
Marginalia Keywords:
A description of the collection compiled by Le Scriptorial Documents et manuscrits is included. This description provides a full list of the works included in the recueil.
Owned by Amans Alexis Monteil (1769-1850), Lucien Graux (1878-1944), Louis-Nicolas de Cayrol, and Henri Lavedan (1859-1940).
Origin (transcript):
Acquired by McGill University in 2016 from Le Scriptorial Documents et manuscrits anciens.