Autograph letter from Gabrielle-Émilie le Tonnelier de Breteuil, marquise Du Châtelet to Charles-Augustin de Ferriol, comte d’Argental, dated 13 October 1738
MA 1565.20, ‘Autograph letter : place not specified, to Charles Augustin de Ferriol, comte d’Argental, 1738 Oct. 13.’
Autograph letter from Gabrielle-Émilie le Tonnelier de Breteuil, marquise Du Châtelet to Charles-Augustin de Ferriol, comte d’Argental, dated 13 October 1738
Autograph letter from Gabrielle-Émilie le Tonnelier de Breteuil, marquise Du Châtelet to Charles-Augustin de Ferriol, comte d’Argental, dated 13 October 1738.
Detailed Summary:
Du Châtelet makes referece to an epistle enclosed with the letter (no longer present), and asks d’Argental to review it. She then makes mention of both Voltaire and Tiriot and asks d’Argental to disapprove of a change once he receives the revised version of the verses.