Printed 1745 edition of La Bataille de Fontenoy, corrected by Voltaire and accompanied by an autograph billet from Voltaire to François-Augustin Paradis de Moncrif
FS 114 A 4, ‘La bataille de Fontenoy, poëme. Quatrième édition, augmentée de plusieurs vers, & de beaucoup de notes instructives’
Printed 1745 edition of La Bataille de Fontenoy, corrected by Voltaire and accompanied by an autograph billet from Voltaire to François-Augustin Paradis de Moncrif
Printed 1745 edition of La Bataille de Fontenoy, corrected by Voltaire and accompanied by an autograph billet from Voltaire to François-Augustin Paradis de Moncrif.
Detailed Summary:
The poem has been heavily corrected by Voltaire. In his billet to Moncrif, Voltaire states that he will see why Voltaire did not send him the poem, adding that of the four published editions none satisfy him. He concludes by asking Moncrif to tell the queen that he is not easily satisfied when he works for her husband and son, and entreats Moncrif to love him.