Autograph letter signed from Jeanne Antoinette Le Normant d’Etioles, marquise de Pompadour [née Poisson] to Voltaire, written from Paris and dating to c.5 September 1749 [D4012]
FS 317 C 1, ‘Lettre de la marquise de Pompadour à Voltaire [texte manuscrit]’
Autograph letter signed from Jeanne Antoinette Le Normant d’Etioles, marquise de Pompadour [née Poisson] to Voltaire, written from Paris and dating to c.5 September 1749 [D4012]
Autograph letter signed from Jeanne Antoinette Le Normant d’Etioles, marquise de Pompadour [née Poisson] to Voltaire, written from Paris and dating to c.5 September 1749.
Passed at the Charavay sale in Paris on 17 April 1880 (Lot. 93) before entering the Morrison collection. Presumably passed for sale again at the Sotheby sale of the Morrison collection in London between 1917 and 1919 though it does not appear in the catal
Jeroom Vercruysse, Inventaire raisonné des manuscrits Voltairiens de la Bibliothèque royale Albert Ier, vol.2 (Turnhout, 1983) p.11.