File copy of a letter from Voltaire to Prince Dimitri Alexeivich Galitzin, written in the hand of Durey de Morsan with autograph corrections by Voltaire from Ferney and dated 19 June 1773 [D18431]
FS 315 C 38, ‘Lettre de Voltaire au prince de Gallitzin, ambassadeur à La Haye [document manuscrit]’
File copy of a letter from Voltaire to Prince Dimitri Alexeivich Galitzin, written in the hand of Durey de Morsan with autograph corrections by Voltaire from Ferney and dated 19 June 1773 [D18431]
Bound with other Voltaire manuscripts in red morocco.
Additional Comments:
Materiality Keywords:
Voltaire has made autograph corrections throughout, and added a postscript which has been crossed out. A second, unknown hand has added two notes to the MS. The first is the number ’98’. The second reads ‘De la main de Durey de Morsan secretaire momentané de Voltaire’. The recipient’s name has been crossed out.
Marginalia Keywords:
19 June 1773
Owned by Alfred Morrison (1821-1897), Georges Blumenthal (1858-1941), and Paul-Auguste-Cyrille de Launoit (1891-1981).