Bound with other Voltaire manuscripts in red morocco.
Additional Comments:
Materiality Keywords:
Part of l.13 on f.1v has been underlined. A draft of a reply to the letter (D7909) has been added by Jean François Joly de Fleury in between the lines of the text.
Bought by Thorpe at the Donnadieu sale in London on 29 July 1851 (Lot. 975), then by Lilly at the Puttick sale in London on 8 March 1858 (Lot. 266), and by Holloway at the Sir William Tite sale in London on 5 June 1874 (Lot. 3726). Entered the Morrison co
Jeroom Vercruysse, Inventaire raisonné des manuscrits Voltairiens de la Bibliothèque royale Albert Ier, vol.2 (Turnhout, 1983) p.11.