The volume contains: Lettre de Trasibule à Leucippe traduite de la version anglaise, Reflexions sur les philosophes (1757), and Lettre sur la resurrection des corps. The final text carries the caption: ‘Lettre de M. De Fontenelle à M. Le Marquis De la Fare où il résout une grande difficulté au sujet de la résurrection des corps’.
Detailed Summary:
The first item is attributed to Nicolas Fréret, by some believe it to be the result of a joint enterprise between Paul Henri Thiry, baron d’Holbach, J.A. Naigeon, and N. Lagrange. The version included in the manuscript is similar to the edition printed in 1720. The second item is similar to the definition of ‘philosophe’ included in the Encyclopedia, ou, Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métier published in Geneva in 1778. The item is dated 1757. The third item isa letter from Bernard Le Bovier Fontenelle to Charles-Auguste, marquis de La Fare.
Bound in brown mottled leather with triple gilt fillet border and a gilt crest. The edges are red. The volume has a decorative gilt spine. The inner front cover is stamped with the name ‘Pidansat de Mairobert’ suggesting that the owner was Mathieu-Françoi
Additional Comments:
Materiality Keywords:
There are corrections to the first and last lines of p.38, line 15 of p.146, the final line of p.222, line 4 of p.223, line 3 of p.247, and line 5-6 of p.248 in the form of a crossing out and the addition of corrected text superscript. A word on line 12 on p.52, on the final line of p.67, on the final line of p.90, on line 7 of p.111, on line 7 of p.142, on line 16 of p.164, on the first line of p.204, on line 14 of p.242, on the penultimate line of p.272, on line 9 of p.276, and line 3 of p.290 has been crossed out. A word on line 5 of p.101, and line 13 of p.286 has been corrected by writing correct text over incorrect text. A footnote has been added to p.55 providing the modernised name for ‘La Taprobane’. Missing text has been added superscript on the penultimate line of p.72, line 7 of p.81, on line 6 of p.123, and line 15 of p.212.
Marginalia Keywords:
Owned by Mathieu-François Pidansat de Mairobert (1727-1779) and J. Patrick Lee (1942-2006).