Condrieux, par vienne en d’auphiné je respecte trop vos occupations, monsieur, pour vous ècrire aussi souvent que mon coeur, et peut être ma vanité le demanderoient
Incipit Modernised:
Condrieux, par Vienne en d’auphiné je respecte trop vos occupations, monsieur, pour vous ècrire aussi souvent que mon coeur, et peut être ma vanité le demanderoient
Contemporary copy of a letter from Voltaire to Joseph-Michel-Antoine Servan, dated 1767.
Detailed Summary:
Voltaire begins by saying that he is staying at Condrieux. He flatters Servan and asks after his health, before going on to complain about his exile from Paris. Voltaire then asks Servan for advice on which books to read to gain an understanding of the laws of modern governments such as Denmark and Sweden, rather than those of past governments such as Rome and Sparta.
The text has been corrected throughout, with corrected text added superscript or written over the top of incorrect text. Words and phrases have been underlined throughout.
Marginalia Keywords:
Owned by J. Patrick Lee (1942-2006).
Origin (transcript):
Purchased by J. Patrick Lee from an eBay auction in March 2005. Acquired by McGill University Library in 2013.