Collection containing words to at least 900 popular, topical and satirical chansons, dating from 1600-1737, many with detailed musical notation.
Detailed Summary:
The earlier songs are of the “Mazarinade” variety, with a large portion of the later 17th-century examples directed against the court of young Louis XIV, presided over by Cardinal Mazarin. Later songs include satires on John Law and his disastrous speculation in the Mississippi project, on the religious cult of the Convulsionnaires in Paris, on the morality of the clergy and of the women of the Paris theatre, and one on Voltaire, condemned for his Lettres philosophiques.
The paper across all 8 volumes is watermarked with the date 1749.
Bound in full brown calf, with gilt-tooled edges. The spine is gilt panelled with a dark red morocco tile and volume lables. The edges are red, and the endpapers are marbled.
Additional Comments:
Materiality Keywords:
The shelf mark of a previous owner reads: ‘Tabl. F. No. 290’.