GEO/ADD/15/0519, ‘Letter from Georg von Löw to General Jacob de Budé thanking him for jackets (‘vestes’) he has sent and asking for more, promising to send more works by Voltaire, enclosing a statement of account (520), ordering more sherry for the Duke o
Letter from Georg von Löw to General Jacob de Budé, written from Hanover and dated 24 March 1786
Autograph letter signed from Georg von Löw to General Jacob de Budé, written from Hanover and dated 24 March 1786.
Detailed Summary:
Georg von Löw opens the letter by thanking Budé for the jackets he sent, and asking for more of these. He promises to send more works by Voltaire and encloses a statement of account. Georg von Löw then orders more sherry for the Duke of York and reports on the progress that has been made on the building and furnishing of the Duke’s house. He notes that Verona’s celinings have been a great success, and that the neighbouring house has been acquired for use as staff quarters. He ends the letter by asking Budé to supply tableware for the Duke.
A postscript has been added to the lower left-hand corner of f.2v. A passage in English on f.2r has been underlined. There are occassional corrections throughout in the form of crossings out, the addition of corrected text superscript, and the writing over of incorrect text with revised text.