Autograph letter from La Beaumelle to Voltaire, accompanied by a ‘Liste des classiques François, à l’usage de Monseigneur le Prince Royal’ annotated by Voltaire, undated
MS 54 (K), ‘Dossier of papers in the possession of Laurent Anglivel de La Beaumelle at the time of his imprisonment in the Bastille in April 1753’
Autograph letter from La Beaumelle to Voltaire, accompanied by a ‘Liste des classiques François, à l’usage de Monseigneur le Prince Royal’ annotated by Voltaire, undated
An autograph letter from La Beaumelle to Voltaire. The letter is accompanied by a ‘Liste des classiques François, à l’usage de Monseigneur le Prince Royal’.
The MS is not bound with other MS in this collection. Instead it is contained within a grey cardboard folder.
Additional Comments:
The MS consists of 1 sheet of paper, bifolium There is a large central hole, and a smaller hole in the lower left-hand margin. A series of holes run along the central fold line, suggesting that it had been part of a bound collection at one time. There is damage to the lower edge of p.57-58 caused by a wax seal (now missing). Remnants of wax on p.58 suggests that the wax seal was red. The pages feature a number of horizontal and vertical fold lines.
Voltaire has annotated the list in the margins, offering value judgements on the texts. Corresponding symbols have occasionally been drawn to link this marginalia to specific sections of the list.